Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180181-180200 of all 182,298 gems.
101,5951elskwid-phonePhone number parsing, validation and formatting.
101,5951dtmA ruby wrapper for Microsoft DTM (Driver Test Manager) console application wttcl.exe
101,5951development_mail_interceptorcatches emails generated in the developer environment and sends them to the ENV['DEVELO...
101,5951edavis10-object_daddyFixture killer
101,5951dot_whyUse of Erector to generate various types of templates.
101,5951assets_packagerCompress and merge your JavaScript and CSS files
101,5951spree_home_page_featuresAllows you to edit articles in the spree admin, which will be displayed on your homepage
101,5951has_metaAdds convenience methods to extract "meta" (as in http meta) strings from models.
101,5951state_jacketA simple & intuitive state machine
101,5951gisele-languageProvides the parser + compiler infrastructure for the Gisele process modeling language.
101,5951ispmanagerAPI client for ISPManager panel
101,5951universe-testinggem install universe-testing
101,5951hash-proxyAn object that proxies method calls to a Hash object as hash key lookups. Handles neste...
101,5951faraday_middleware-active_support_jsonFaraday middleware for handling JSON using ActiveSupport::JSON
101,5951mastMast is a command line tool for generating manifests and digests. Mast makes it easy to...
101,5951extreme_feedback_deviceFetches Jobs from a Jenkins CI via the REST JSON API and sets LEDs of an Extreme Feedba...
101,5951hipchat_searcherSearch hipchat log on terminal
101,5951yiifonyYii deployment with capistrano, useful tasks, rollback deployment and more
101,5951gnucashRuby library for extracting data from XML GnuCash data files
101,5951text_protocolsDSL to create text protocols