Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180241-180260 of all 180,660 gems.
151,8910drcapulet-russellrussell is a command line utility for setting up new web projects with ease
151,8910drewolson-defmacroMacros for ruby
151,8910DrMark-thinking-sphinxA concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search ...
151,8910erroneous-apiAn API Client for the Engine Yard Deploy-Log-Parsing-Service: Erroneous
151,8910enumeratedGoal of the Enumerated gem is to provide support to use enumerations on selection/drop ...
151,8910donors_choose2Ruby wrapper for the Donors Choose Api
151,8910algorithmesMy new algorithmes gem
151,8910capistrano-django-systemdcapistrano-django-systemd provides a solid basis for common django deployment
151,8910coinmarketcalUnofficial API Client for the CoinMarketCal API
151,8910crosscross is a cross site scripting testing tool
151,8910cuke-islandStandalone generator for a lightly configured web_step rich cucumber capybara chromedri...
151,8910dryftDefine WinAutomation procedures that can be included elsewhere without consistency issues.
151,8910bkerley-template_classProduces template classes suitable for passing to form_for
151,8910blackwinter-flattendbFlatten relational databases.
151,8910akamai_rest_ccuakamai_rest_ccur is a wrapper around Akamai CCU restful APIs
151,8910dry_viewsProvides extensions to ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper: content_for_with_default, no...
151,8910cap-aws-ec2Tired of changing dns names or ips in your deploy.rb? You found a solution! This gem us...
151,8910everyday_thor_utilTwo parts: everyday_thor_util/thor-fix patches Thor with a fix for help messages with m...