Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180261-180280 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250ringbellA tool that can attach notifications to the ActiveRecord models for certain users. Mult...
68,6250youtubeDLWrapper for youtube-dl. You must have youtube-dl (http://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/) ins...
68,6250loggemSimple log wrapper with different formatters. Rails/ActiveRecord/Sequel support, so far
68,6250quiz_masterSimple manager for multiple choice quizzes
68,6250copyrightAdds a method for copyright period
68,6250filenameFile name generator with sequential number or time string
68,6250rack-forwardRack Middleware to proxy requests to a remote server. This is usefull for proxying AJAX...
68,6250knife-topoKnife-topo uses a JSON file to capture a topology of nodes, which can be loaded into Ch...
68,6250sauerkrautGathers all step definition source code for a given scenario or range, and outputs it i...
68,6250flounderFlounder is the missing piece between the database and your Ruby code. It allows v...
68,6250graphviz-diagramA simple utility for create class diagram using Graphviz.
68,6250rkillyProvides a kill command which finds all processes that match the provided argument and ...
68,6250fizx-aws-keychain-utilHelps manage a keychain of AWS credentials on OS X.
68,6250fluent-plugin-docker-metricsFluentd input plugin to collect container metrics periodically
68,6250pivotal-cliSimple command line tool for working with Pivotal Stories
68,6250pvcglue_dbutilsWrite a longer description. Optional.
68,6250RDeeDynamically create a connection for Selenium or Watir selecting the browser, version, a...
68,6250screenshotsTakes a list of URLs, and generates a blog-friendly code that presents each of the webs...
68,6250shintyoku_doudesukaThe evil phrase "shintyoku doudesuka", which brought fear to Japan !
68,6250simple_form_fileinputBeautifies the default file input for SimpleForm