Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180281-180300 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250lintci-rubocopA small wrapper around Rubocop that standardizes the command for LintCI
68,6250markov_chain_chat_botA chat bot utilizing Markov chains. It speaks Russian and English.
68,6250ment(environ)ment adds methods for asking what's the value of RACK_ENV.
68,6250jquery-friendly_id-railsjQuery friendly_id JavaScript files packaged for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline
68,6250lattes_apiLattes API client for Ruby.
68,6250wordrapperWrapps text accoring to provided limit.
68,6250robut-rpsA rock paper scissors plugin for robut.
68,6250csv-import-analyzerSantize large csv files and help in predicting datatypes including min max values for e...
68,6250yaml_duplicate_checkercheck duplidate in yaml file
68,6250gem-order-layout-infarmaGem to send order - infarma
68,6250hutzbotA Ruby interface to the Hutzbot service
68,6250scoped-concernsGem for Pure Ruby Objects to encapsulate specific behavior
68,6250voltron-encryptEnables base 64 encoded ids on rails models
68,6250wkhtmltopdf_runnerThis gem is a wrapper for a popular wkhtmltopdf library to generate PDF files from HTML.
68,6250ruboty-imascgLet ruboty find imas_cg cards using ppdb.sekai.in. Thanks @sekaiasia for providing th...
68,6250rubymarkupRubyMarkup is a useful library for coding your HTML documents within ruby.
68,6250sluggable_tommotaylorfrom postit app in Go Tealeaf
68,6250gospotcheckRuby wrapper for the goSpotcheck API written by a couple of plucky gSchoolers
68,6250mokioMokio is a Content Management System that allows creation of sophisticated websites...