Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182081-182100 of all 182,267 gems.
73,9730box2dA Ruby wrapper for Box2d (by Erin Catto)
73,9730number_to_words_ruConvert numbers to words using I18N.
73,9730moqThe simplest mocking library for .NET 3.5, 4.0 and Silverlight with deep C# 3.0 integra...
73,9730executivea Foreman wrapper with extra utilities.
73,9730geocoder_plusThis gem consists two additional geocoders for geokit, Yahoo! PlaceFinder and Google V3...
73,9730feminizerThis library can take a piece of English text as a string and swap masculine words for ...
73,9730oleloOlelo is a git-based wiki which supports many markup languages, tags, embedded TeX and ...
73,9730ppcommandParse and pretty print YAML/JSON/XML/CSV/HTML
73,9730harleytt-gvoice-rubygvoice-ruby is currently a very preliminary project with limited functionality basicall...
73,9730pk-merb_sequelMerb plugin that provides support for Sequel and Sequel::Model
73,9730ember-auth-railsEmber-auth is an authentication framework for ember.js. It is expected to work out ...
73,9730tkh_illustrationsA Rails engine for carrierwave upload illustrations with minimum fuss.
73,9730cherrybaseRuby gem to cherry-pick a range of commits with similar rebase options
73,9730custom_errors_handlerCustom Errors Handler is intended as an easy alternative to manage showing/rendering ex...
73,9730lead_zeppelinThread-safe, multi-application APNS client
73,9730spob_browser_detectorDetermines the name and version of the browser currently making a request. I forked thi...
73,9730validates_date_timeA Rails plugin that adds an ActiveRecord validation helper to do range and start/end da...
73,9730coffeegrindercoffeegrinder was developed by: markbates
73,9730producteevApi client for producteev
73,9730vlad-hgMercurial support for Vlad. Using it is as simple as passing :scm => :mercurial