Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182081-182100 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670basic_brainThis is where you start from
61,3670rails_request_idWeb requests in Rails get assigned a unique request id. To access this id in a threadsa...
61,3670sluggable_arthurSluggable Plugin for Tealeaf Homework.
61,3670trinitycrdriverA gem to allow coderunner to run the trinity code directly.
61,3670salvageRun a Rubygems server that provides gems installed in any RVM/rbenv/etc environment in ...
61,3670warden-tokenSimple token authentication strategy for Warden. Not necessarily secure or powerful, th...
61,3670ruby-shoutRuby bindings for libshout 2, a "Library which can be used to write a source client lik...
61,3670fexSmall wrapper around Savon for using FedEx Web Services
61,3670kaznachey_paymentsKaznachey payments api
61,3670google_translateA simple Ruby API for Google Translate
61,3670rails-backup-migrateCreates a directory db/backup in the rails app and creates / loads YML files from there...
61,3670jetpantsJetpants is an automation toolkit for handling monstrously large MySQL database topolog...
61,3670watchmakerExtract test setup and factory instantiation into reusable objects
61,3670fail_safeTrack your app's bugs and exceptions.
61,3670controller_supportAn extension of ActiveSupport::Concern to create smart and beautiful controller mixins
61,3670populrGem for interacting with the Populr.me API that allows you to create and publish one-pa...
61,3670rad_themesThemes for Rad Face (rad_face)
61,3670tigerbloodTigerblood Driven Development
61,3670snarlSnarl is JavaScript in disguise, bridging Ruby and Rhino. JRuby required.
61,3670rails-angulateAngulate adds AngularJS client-side field and validation helpers to Rails form helpers.