Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182221-182240 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670imdb_posterDownload movie posters from IMDB. Just give the name of the movie, and the path to wher...
61,3670rtrailRTrail wraps the TestRail API v2.0 in Ruby objects
61,3670kairos-apiRuby gem for the Kairos facial recognition API
61,3670vagrant-fleetVagrant fleet provisioner for use with a CoreOS guest machine
61,3670cricketLearning how to make a Gem while using all major concepts of Ruby Language. Cricket ge...
61,3670falloutA simple ruby script that can backup and restore Amazon EC2 instances
61,3670giddyup-deploy'git-deploy' command to interact with giddyup-managed deployments
61,3670as_dialed_fromFigure out how a number should be dialed from another country. A fork of a port of Goog...
61,3670glamazonPlain Old Ruby Object (PORO) in memory models. Intended for use in EventMachine server ...
61,3670isi"isi" is a package of Ruby libraries and scripts for ISI Export Format. "isi2bibte...
61,3670cloud-makerCloudMaker is a tool for launching and configuring EC2 instances. It works as an extens...
61,3670rapiA Remote API (RAPI) interface.
61,3670puppet-lint-usascii_format-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check that manifest files contain only US ASCII.
61,3670jakewendt-simply_trackablelonger description of your gem
61,3670self_enumerableExtended Enumerable module which returns instances of an objects class instead of plain...
61,3670SoksAnother Ruby Wiki. See http://www.soks.org for details
61,3670geogovGeolocation and utilities for UK Government single domain
61,3670com.proofpoint.discovery.cliDiscovery command line interface
61,3670wdiffstring word diff with other string; Wdiff::Helper.to_html transforms diff string in htm...