Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182161-182180 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670semantic_idSemantic_ID is a very simple helper that creates a view-specific semantic selector stri...
61,3670slack_ciPost Slack Messages to a channel from the terminal!
61,3670adjustable_mime_typeThis plugin moves the repetitive logic of adjusting mime-types from the controller into...
61,3670rl_hiya_ldhclass to say hiya
61,3670geokit-cacheCaching support in database for locations geocoded by andre/geokit-gem
61,3670chronologicalEasy Accessors for ActiveModel Objects
61,3670acts_as_stubbablecreate a url-friendly stub based on an activerecord column for your models
61,3670ruby-epubExtract epub metada
61,3670semanticgs-rails-tA simple asset gem bundling up the scss file from http://semantic.gs/
61,3670subset_validatorAn ActiveModel validation for checking if an attribute's values are a subset of another...
61,3670i18n-backend-side_by_sideTired of jumping between language files when translating keys? Stop jumping and have al...
61,3670playpenPlaypen wraps OS X sandbox api with a loving embrace. Playpen provides the same API th...
61,3670rails-translateSimplest translation mechanism for models.
61,3670chosen_railsThis plugin turns unsightly select boxes into pretty, searchable, drop down unordered l...
61,3670simple_column_searchQuick and dirty multi column LIKE searches.
61,3670jruby-hornetqJRuby-HornetQ is a Java and Ruby library that exposes the HornetQ Java API in a ruby fr...
61,3670webpagea tool to extract some basic data from a webpage
61,3670spitball-clientUse bundler to generate gem tarball packages - client!
61,3670has_dynamic_fieldsLets your models act dynamic in a clean EAV style
61,3670sexy_scopesSmall DSL to create ActiveRecord (>= 3.1) attribute predicates without writing SQL.