Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182141-182160 of all 182,267 gems.
73,9730calendar_viewExtends Rails application of calendar view
73,9730stash-magicA simple attachment system (file system or Amazon S3) that also handles thumbnails or o...
73,9730exhibitExhibit is a simple gem to generate and work with presenters in Rails 3. It is based on...
73,9730popoRuby and rails repo tool
73,9730hirefireHireFire automatically "hires" and "fires" (aka "scales") Delayed Job and Resque worker...
73,9730config_contextA library for help to configure applications
73,9730ghazel-jammitJammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails, providing both ...
73,9730spocketsSocket helper library
73,9730thehenster-resque-schedulerLight weight job scheduling on top of Resque. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to s...
73,9730sprockets_spacelyMr.Spacely, of Spacely Sprockets, Inc. had a mustache: http://www.google.com/search?q=m...
73,9730meansCalculates the different means for a data set (arithmetic, geometric and harmonic).
73,9730better_partialsAllows a simpler interface when calling partials
73,9730bushido_stubBest tool ever for Bushido developers
73,9730image_procA no-frills image resizer, with pluggable backends. No extra software required on OS X
73,9730launch-agentA library to use launchd easily
73,9730model_millGenerates bare model files that can be used for a migration of legacy data to new model...
73,9730cacherA nifty configurable frontend to any cache
73,9730dollhouseDollhouse is a way to deploy servers. It is designed to be used with Babushka.
73,9730mongoid_i18nThis gem aims to be a transparent way to deal with localizable fields. Basically ...
73,9730gphoto4rubyGPhoto4Ruby is used to control PPTP cameras (the ones that can be controlled with gphot...