Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182241-182260 of all 182,267 gems.
73,9730pressure_cookerGenerates new gem skeletons faster than the speed of rice! That is, assuming that you...
73,9730is103Supplementary RubyLabs gem for IS103 Computational Thinking
73,9730guard-stitch-plusA Guard plugin for compiling javascripts with Stitch Plus.
73,9730state_transitionThis is ruby state_machine.
73,9730table_saltProvides ActiveRecord like functionality without a backing database table.
73,9730webgen-content_processor_emoticon-bundleThis bundle adds a content processor for converting text emoticons into image emoticons...
73,9730knifer_sutherlandKnife plugin that writes nodes to your local hosts file.
73,9730decisiontree_nID3-based implementation of the M.L. Decision Tree algorithm
73,9730litecoin_toolsLitecoin tools for ruby
73,9730darshanRuby binding to ANL's Darshan library for HPC I/O tracing and analysis
73,9730comment_testerWrite and run tests from your code comments
73,9730impalerWrapper around Impala and Hive gems
73,9730develRails Developer Essential Gem
73,9730phantompdfGenerate PDF from HTML using PhantomJS
73,9730logger_wareRails middleware to log requests. Support for parameters and environment filtering. Sto...
73,9730team_effortTeam Effort provides a simple wrapper to ruby's process management for processing ...
73,9730tcharttchart reads a text file containing date-based data, ...
73,9730ptolemyPtolemy is a TOML parser.
73,9730cap-elasticsCap extension for the Elastics gem.
73,9730oz_capistrano_rsync_with_remote_cacheA deployment strategy for Capistrano 2.0 which combines rsync with a remote cache, allo...