Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182241-182260 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670sun-timesModule which calculates sunrise and sunset times.
61,3670changesAdds logging of changes to your model, so you can see a list of changes - and what the ...
61,3670action_flowA state-machine inspired mixin for controllers that makes creating flows and wizards de...
61,3670command-tCommand-T provides a fast, intuitive mechanism for opening files with a minimal num...
61,3670roogleGoogle stuff on the command line
61,3670time_calculationsExtra methods for Date, Time, and DateTime
61,3670ldoceAPI for the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
61,3670yaml_confOrganize your Rails application configuration into a YAML file
61,3670rlogAn alternate logging interface to the default Logger. Added id option to log function.
61,3670punk_malditoGem for dummies
61,3670rake-sprocketsBuild your assets with rake build.
61,3670dropperA tool to help automate server setup and project deployment.
61,3670pvnA set of extensions to the Subversion command line, inspired by Git and Perforce.
61,3670emergent-coreHere's some of the things you can do with *EmergentCore*: * *Create* a complete _Adobe...
61,3670knife-ovh-cloudOVH Cloud vSphere Support for Chef's Knife Command
61,3670ruboty-pi_gpioControl GPIO of Raspberry PI via Ruboty
61,3670fluent-clientfluentd command line utility
61,3670docker_registryDocker registry HTTP API client
61,3670gene_genieOptimise anything that responds to 'fitness' and takes a hash
61,3670acts_as_inquirableA helper to wrap an ActiveRecord attribute with ActiveSupport::StringInquirer.