Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182261-182280 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670actiontimerActionTimer is a simple timer for recurring actions. It supports single and recurring a...
61,3670storiesWrite Stories and User Acceptance Tests using Contest, the tiny add on to Test::Unit th...
61,3670brand2csvbrand2csv creates csv files for swiss brand registered in a specific time period. The...
61,3670spfySpfy is a simple command-line tool for generating XSPF playlists from metadata stored i...
61,3670rails_extensionsrails_extensions was developed by: markbates
61,3670ruby-interfaceRuby interface
61,3670kalcCalculation language slightly based on Excel's formula language.
61,3670plingPling is a notification framework that supports multiple gateways. Currently supported ...
61,3670rmbA Ruby client library for the Rich Media Backbone (RMB) API (http://rmb.io). Please sen...
61,3670group_open_id== DESCRIPTION: Wrapper library for myID.net's Group ID API == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * ...
61,3670colverA simple gem for playing with colors.
61,3670knife_cookbook_syncSync only what's changed -- faster than cookbook upload
61,3670thread_local_accessorThread Local Accessor
61,3670rufus-lua-winProvides Lua binary on Windows
61,3670validator-nricGlobal validator as well as ActiveModel validator
61,3670elzarProvides Chef cookbooks for a production Rails environment. Also supports Chef-erizing ...
61,3670gitlab-mail-receiverThe way of allow your GitLab support Email receive and parse the email content, and fin...
61,3670fotonauts-flickr_fuProvides a ruby interface to flickr via the REST api
61,3670fbookerFacebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[http://facebook.com] {REST API}[http://w...