Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182321-182340 of all 183,544 gems.
105,6220easy_socketsOver and over I see developers struggling to implement basic sockets with featues avail...
105,6220cappy-monitThis library extends Capistrano to configure and control a *monit* daemon running on ap...
105,6220eigenRuby bindings to the Eigen C++ linear algebra library
105,6220hank-chronicA natural language date parser with timezone support
105,6220lost_in_translationsSuper light Translation Ruby Gem agnostic to your framework and source data
105,6220mvscreenshotAutomatically move osx screenshots away from the desktop
105,6220aws_onchangeCheck easily change on models, and run action
105,6220lunrA simple read-only interface to Solr, built on Sunspot. Lunr makes it easy to query an...
105,6220marsDisclaimer: this is build for pleasure it is not meant to replace any of the high quali...
105,6220nodGem reports on gemfile licenses
105,6220acts_as_wrapped_class== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Wrappers do not dispatch const_missing yet, so constants are ...
105,6220ActiveAdmin-Globalize3-inputsImplementation of globalize_fields - has_many friendly Globalize3 helper for ActiveAdmin.
105,6220storm-pointlessrandomly create names for different use cases
105,6220weighted_randomActiveRecord extension for weighted randomization which supplies loading records with w...
105,6220baptistBaptist creates well-formed relative URIs from a set of strings.
105,6220boatmanRuby DSL for ferrying around and manipulating files
105,6220HEMiDEMi4rHEMiDEMi Library
105,6220ipizza-omniauth-providerIntegrates iPizza authentication to your rails app almost effortlessly
105,6220mimi-signalAsynchronous processing of trapped signals
105,6220imdb_celebrityImdb_celebrity is a ruby-gem which is used to scrape celebrity pages from imdb.com