Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183001-183007 of all 183,007 gems.
107,9960static_sitemap_tasksRake tasks to manage sitemap.xml generation for static sites
107,9960rails3_markituprails3_markitup is a Rails 3.1 engine that allows you to integrate the MarkItUp text ed...
107,9960gem_grepEnhances search command by displaying results in an ascii table and providing options t...
107,9960finitefieldFinite Field implementation in Ruby.
107,9960dribbledProvides a wrapper around DRBD to gather information and perform monitoring checks
107,9960rake-assetsRakeAssets is a small Ruby Gem that contains some simple configurable Rake Tasks and de...
107,9960activeserviceThis gem is created to cater the projects which do not require a backend/database, bu...