Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182921-182940 of all 183,470 gems.
63,4320ahamid-postgres-prA pure Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL (>= 7.4) database
63,4320oleloOlelo is a git-based wiki which supports many markup languages, tags, embedded TeX and ...
63,4320limdesk_apiLimdesk.com is a multichannel, web-based customer support solution. This gem lets you i...
63,4320active_model_version_serializersActive Model Serializer with versioning
63,4320gheeA complete, simple, and intuitive ruby API for all things Github.
63,4320sized_listUses LRU functionality to keep a limited size list of items
63,4320hatetepeThe HTTP toolkit
63,4320nyaa_anime`nyaa` (short for `nyaa_anime`) is the painless NyaaTorrents anime command-line tool. S...
63,4320asciidoctor-doctestA tool for end-to-end testing of Asciidoctor backends based on comparing of textual out...
63,4320amazon_seller_centralThis gem is intended to wrap Amazon's SellerCentral pages with a Ruby API. Currently th...
63,4320bio-isoelectric_pointA bioruby plugin for calculating the isoelectric point of a protein
63,4320flirt_checkercheck flirt by blood type
63,4320wrefLightweight weak reference and weak hash that works in 1.9 and JRuby.
63,4320spree_editorAtm supported: YUIRichEditor, WYMEditor, TinyMCE
63,4320assets_boosterInstead of sending down a dozen JavaScript and CSS files full of formatting and comment...
63,4320stupid-simple-monitA stupid, dead-simple, process monitor.
63,4320cryptoniteEnables the encryption of specific ActiveRecord attributes.
63,4320gemrA quick gem for displaying the latest versions of gems.
63,4320csvisionGives Hash the ability to be turned into csv files
63,4320usefulCollection of random functions and modules that may be useful