Daily Downloads Ranking
Most downloads last day.
182921-182940 of all 182,977 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
67,544 | 0 | rafters | Rafters lets you think about each page of your application as a collection of small pie... |
67,544 | 0 | lita-giphy | Giphy gif search handler for Lita |
67,544 | 0 | nserror-schemenumber-js-rails | SchemeNumber.JS packaged for the Rails 3.1+ Asset Pipeline, both the Coffee, JS, and mi... |
67,544 | 0 | pressure_cooker | Generates new gem skeletons faster than the speed of rice! That is, assuming that you... |
67,544 | 0 | khelben-autotest-rails | This is my personal fork of the autotest-rails gem to reference autotest spin-off inste... |
67,544 | 0 | resque-stats | If you want to graph the workload created by your different Resque jobs, extend them wi... |
67,544 | 0 | is103 | Supplementary RubyLabs gem for IS103 Computational Thinking |
67,544 | 0 | gitstuff-preview | gitstuff-preview runs a local web server to preview Gitstuff templates |
67,544 | 0 | hostgitrb | HostGitRb allows you to share your Git repositories with other users using SSH Pu... |
67,544 | 0 | true-random | Use the true random number service of RANDOM.ORG. The randomness comes from atmospheric... |
67,544 | 0 | holetse-linkedin | Ruby wrapper for the LinkedIn API |
67,544 | 0 | youtube_utils | youtube downloader |
67,544 | 0 | motion-require | Dependency management for RubyMotion, using a pseudo `require` |
67,544 | 0 | homer | Homer makes tracking your Unix dotfiles easay peasay - UNDER DEVELOPMENT |
67,544 | 0 | decisiontree_n | ID3-based implementation of the M.L. Decision Tree algorithm |
67,544 | 0 | litecoin_tools | Litecoin tools for ruby |
67,544 | 0 | darshan | Ruby binding to ANL's Darshan library for HPC I/O tracing and analysis |
67,544 | 0 | impaler | Wrapper around Impala and Hive gems |
67,544 | 0 | active_event | Contains commands, events, validations for Rails Disco. Commands are used to trans... |
67,544 | 0 | devel | Rails Developer Essential Gem |