Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182941-182960 of all 183,470 gems.
63,4320box2dA Ruby wrapper for Box2d (by Erin Catto)
63,4320number_to_words_ruConvert numbers to words using I18N.
63,4320cursorexternal iterator API
63,4320tp-blatherAn XMPP DSL for Ruby written on top of EventMachine and Nokogiri
63,4320gatherA gem that provides modules to make working with properties a bit easier.
63,4320log4r_remote_syslog_outputterThe outputter included in this library simply ties Log4r's Outputter interface together...
63,4320gnip_gnopA ruby library that given a Gnip activity stream XML , ...
63,4320ey_instance_api_clientUsed by snapshots and services (was going to be used by backups)
63,4320capistrano-campoutCapistrano::Campout is a gem extension to capistrano to post/speak messages and paste l...
63,4320ember-auth-railsEmber-auth is an authentication framework for ember.js. It is expected to work out ...
63,4320blogazeBlogaze is a simple blog powered by Ramaze and Sequel.
63,4320livescript-railsAdd LiveScript support to the Rails asset pipeline.
63,4320stump-cliInitialize a WordPress project based on the Stump theme
63,4320bmi-tmendozaRuby Gem to Calculate Body Mass Index
63,4320infopark_opsworks_helpersProvides little helper functions for managing AWS OpsWorks stacks.
63,4320mazinatorUsing this gem you can generate and solve maze
63,4320erbsideErbside is a simple project-oriented erb-based inline template system. Inline template...
63,4320configaYAML configuration file parser
63,4320tm_backtraceThis provides you the backtrace for TextMate
63,4320fxirbFox-based graphical interface to IRB (IRB running within an FXText widget)