Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182961-182980 of all 182,991 gems.
82,1670resque-statsIf you want to graph the workload created by your different Resque jobs, extend them wi...
82,1670chef-handler-mail-extendedChef report handler that uses pony to send an email
82,1670hostgitrbHostGitRb allows you to share your Git repositories with other users using SSH Pu...
82,1670culturegridSimple access to the CultureGrid API
82,1670true-randomUse the true random number service of RANDOM.ORG. The randomness comes from atmospheric...
82,1670holetse-linkedinRuby wrapper for the LinkedIn API
82,1670youtube_utilsyoutube downloader
82,1670homerHomer makes tracking your Unix dotfiles easay peasay - UNDER DEVELOPMENT
82,1670litecoin_toolsLitecoin tools for ruby
82,1670comment_testerWrite and run tests from your code comments
82,1670impalerWrapper around Impala and Hive gems
82,1670riemann-mysqlMySQL client that submit events to Riemann.
82,1670crusadepush notification gem
82,1670logger_wareRails middleware to log requests. Support for parameters and environment filtering. Sto...
82,1670time_limitsApply timeouts to methods via meta programming
82,1670ruby_ucpRuby library implementation of EMI/UCP protocol v4.6 for SMS
82,1670nyaraFast and fuzzy ruby web framework + server
82,1670team_effortTeam Effort provides a simple wrapper to ruby's process management for processing ...
82,1670jquery_nice_file_input_railsjQuery-Nice-File-Input asset bundle for Rails
82,1670tcharttchart reads a text file containing date-based data, ...