Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182961-182980 of all 183,470 gems.
63,4320bootHelpers and wrappers for working with Twitter's Bootstrap framework
63,4320flapcoreGenerate random memorable passwords
63,4320classy_resourcesInstant ActiveResource compatible resources for sinatra.
63,4320talksThis gem can be used for wraping command-lines with `talks` command or for adding hooks...
63,4320ai4rubyRuby implementations of algorithms covering several Artificial intelligence fields, inc...
63,4320vagrant-aws-route53A Vagrant plugin assigns the IP of the instance which vagrant-aws provider created to a...
63,4320nilclass-maildirA ruby library for reading and writing arbitrary messages in DJB's maildir format
63,4320breederProcess spawning and reaping
63,4320active_macProvides an ORM interface to the data of any AppleScript-enabled application. Useful fo...
63,4320with_filled_field_scopeAdds with_filled_field scope to active record models. It scope searches for record with...
63,4320awscliCommand Line Interface for Amazon Web Services built in Ruby, using Fog and Thor
63,4320mongoid-time_with_named_zoneA Mongoid wrapper for Time objects that retains the timezone name
63,4320constructableMakes constructing objects through an attributes hash easier
63,4320phrasieDetermines important terms within a given piece of content. It uses linguistic tools ...
63,4320foggy_bottomIt wraps the FogBugz API.
63,4320inheritance_module_evalAllows to create methods with same name inside particular class/object by pushing them ...
63,4320wp-capistranoCapistrano receipe for WordPress
63,4320wackamoleThis is a companion sinatra app for the Rackamole framework which provides for recordin...
63,4320hoptoad_handlerChef handler for sending exceptions to Hoptoad