Daily Downloads Ranking
Most downloads last day.
182961-182980 of all 182,991 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
82,167 | 0 | resque-stats | If you want to graph the workload created by your different Resque jobs, extend them wi... |
82,167 | 0 | chef-handler-mail-extended | Chef report handler that uses pony to send an email |
82,167 | 0 | hostgitrb | HostGitRb allows you to share your Git repositories with other users using SSH Pu... |
82,167 | 0 | culturegrid | Simple access to the CultureGrid API |
82,167 | 0 | true-random | Use the true random number service of RANDOM.ORG. The randomness comes from atmospheric... |
82,167 | 0 | holetse-linkedin | Ruby wrapper for the LinkedIn API |
82,167 | 0 | youtube_utils | youtube downloader |
82,167 | 0 | homer | Homer makes tracking your Unix dotfiles easay peasay - UNDER DEVELOPMENT |
82,167 | 0 | litecoin_tools | Litecoin tools for ruby |
82,167 | 0 | comment_tester | Write and run tests from your code comments |
82,167 | 0 | impaler | Wrapper around Impala and Hive gems |
82,167 | 0 | riemann-mysql | MySQL client that submit events to Riemann. |
82,167 | 0 | crusade | push notification gem |
82,167 | 0 | logger_ware | Rails middleware to log requests. Support for parameters and environment filtering. Sto... |
82,167 | 0 | time_limits | Apply timeouts to methods via meta programming |
82,167 | 0 | ruby_ucp | Ruby library implementation of EMI/UCP protocol v4.6 for SMS |
82,167 | 0 | nyara | Fast and fuzzy ruby web framework + server |
82,167 | 0 | team_effort | Team Effort provides a simple wrapper to ruby's process management for processing ... |
82,167 | 0 | jquery_nice_file_input_rails | jQuery-Nice-File-Input asset bundle for Rails |
82,167 | 0 | tchart | tchart reads a text file containing date-based data, ... |