Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183041-183060 of all 183,470 gems.
63,4320better_callerA more programmer-friendly call stack complete with bindings for each level: no more st...
63,4320the_little_streamerPoint the Little Streamer to your music directory and it will serve up the tunes using ...
63,4320guard-egoGuard::Ego automatically restarts guard when needed
63,4320exhibitExhibit is a simple gem to generate and work with presenters in Rails 3. It is based on...
63,4320fftyet another fft realization
63,4320zuora4rA client for Zuora API
63,4320pithPith builds static websites, using markup/template languages including Haml, Sass, ERb,...
63,4320jstorage-railsUses jStorage.js to allow browsers to store more information than is save to store in a...
63,4320ansel_iconvConvert ANSEL encoded text to any other encoding available to Iconv
63,4320mddImplements the MDWA approach for Ruby on Rails.
63,4320xquery# XQuery [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/JelF/xquery](https://badges.gitter.im/J...
63,4320sinatra-static-assetsThis Sinatra extensions provides following helper methods: - image_tag - styles...
63,4320acts_as_audited_collectionAdds auditing capabilities to ActiveRecord associations, in a similar fashion to acts_a...
63,4320cleverua-client_timezone_detectionThe gem gets timezone information from user browser, saves it in a cookie and then appl...
63,4320heroku-request-idSimple Rack middleware to log the heroku request id and write it to the end of html req...
63,4320ifmbGenerate references for IFMB payments (portuguese ATM payment service from IFTHEN)
63,4320blipfmA ruby library for the Blip.fm API. Developed to facilitate the development of Blip.fm ...
63,4320simple-botsimple-bot allows you to create bots and incorporate them into your Rails / Sinatra / ...
63,4320z-rqrA ruby library to create qrcode. Output: PS, JPEG, PNG, EPS, TIFF.
63,4320xcoderProvides a ruby based object-model for parsing project structures and invoking builds