Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182981-183000 of all 183,007 gems.
107,9960true-randomUse the true random number service of RANDOM.ORG. The randomness comes from atmospheric...
107,9960youtube_utilsyoutube downloader
107,9960motion-requireDependency management for RubyMotion, using a pseudo `require`
107,9960darshanRuby binding to ANL's Darshan library for HPC I/O tracing and analysis
107,9960comment_testerWrite and run tests from your code comments
107,9960active_eventContains commands, events, validations for Rails Disco. Commands are used to trans...
107,9960develRails Developer Essential Gem
107,9960crusadepush notification gem
107,9960delayed_job_data_mapper_steDataMapper backend for delayed_job
107,9960ruby_ucpRuby library implementation of EMI/UCP protocol v4.6 for SMS
107,9960s3batchupload/delete s3 objects in batch
107,9960yggPure Ruby persistence solution
107,9960diyanetDiyanetten namaz vakitlerini array/hash olarak almak icin
107,9960decisiontree_nID3-based implementation of the M.L. Decision Tree algorithm
107,9960nyaraFast and fuzzy ruby web framework + server
107,9960tcharttchart reads a text file containing date-based data, ...
107,9960smokescreenSmokescreen is a smoke test suite that tries to run the most critical and most likely e...
107,9960ptolemyPtolemy is a TOML parser.
107,9960cap-elasticsCap extension for the Elastics gem.
107,9960gem-starStar github repository automatically when you gem install