Featured Gems Ranking

Featured gems which are based on difference between daily rank and total rank.
501-520 of all 600 gems.
RankDiffDaily RankTotal RankNameSummary
498+46211257binding_of_callerProvides the Binding#of_caller method. Using binding_of_caller we can grab bindings fr...
502+45305350spring-commands-rspecrspec command for spring
503+44327371shellanyMRI+JRuby compatible command output capturing
503+44151195rougeRouge aims to a be a simple, easy-to-extend drop-in replacement for pygments.
503+44129173faraday-httpclientFaraday adapter for HTTPClient
506+43348391unicode_utilsadditional Unicode aware functions for Ruby 1.9
506+43684727image_processingHigh-level wrapper for processing images for the web with ImageMagick or libvips.
508+42158200rubocop-rspecCode style checking for RSpec files. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enforcing & li...
508+42340382guard-compatHelps creating valid Guard plugins and testing them
510+40215255plistPlist is a library to manipulate Property List files, also known as plists. It can pars...
511+39125164faraday-em_synchronyFaraday adapter for EM::Synchrony
511+39124163faraday-em_httpFaraday adapter for Em::Http
511+39850889aws-sdk-sesv2Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES V2). This gem is part...
511+39138177faraday-rackFaraday adapter for Rack
515+37195232colored2This is a heavily modified fork of http://github.com/defunkt/colored gem, with many sen...
515+37137174faraday-patronFaraday adapter for Patron
515+37243280uniform_notifieruniform notifier for rails logger, customized logger, javascript alert, javascript cons...
515+37210247debug_inspectorAdds methods to DebugInspector to allow for inspection of backtrace frames. The debug_...
519+35105140faraday-exconFaraday adapter for Excon
519+35882917prometheus-clientA suite of instrumentation metric primitivesthat can be exposed through a web services ...