Featured Gems Ranking

Featured gems which are based on difference between daily rank and total rank.
521-540 of all 637 gems.
RankDiffDaily RankTotal RankNameSummary
520+73618691slack-ruby-clientSlack Web and RealTime API client.
522+72439511tomlrbA racc based toml parser
522+72281353notiffanyWrapper libray for most popular notification libraries such as Growl, Libnotify, No...
524+71834905omniauth-rails_csrf_protectionThis gem provides a mitigation against CVE-2015-9284 (Cross-Site Request Forgery on the...
524+71413484rooRoo can access the contents of various spreadsheet files. It can handle * OpenOffice * ...
524+71379450premailer-railsThis gem brings you the power of the premailer gem to Rails withou...
527+70386456doorkeeperDoorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider for Rails and Grape.
528+68345413faraday_middleware-aws-sigv4Faraday middleware for AWS Signature Version 4 using aws-sigv4.
529+66366432rqrcoderqrcode is a library for encoding QR Codes. The simple interface allows you to create Q...
529+66375441dogapiRuby bindings for Datadog's API
531+639791,042shoulda-contextContext framework extracted from Shoulda
531+63312375paper_trailTrack changes to your models, for auditing or versioning. See how a model looked at any...
531+6348111rubocop-astRuboCop's Node and NodePattern classes.
534+62235297raabroA very dumb PEG parser library, with a horrible interface.
535+612586connection_poolGeneric connection pool for Ruby
536+59226285fugitTime tools for flor and the floraison project. Cron parsing and occurrence computing. T...
537+58149207rdocRDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects. RDoc includes the ...
538+572178raccRacc is an LALR(1) parser generator. It is written in Ruby itself, and generates Ruby...
538+57155212google-apis-coreCommon utility and base classes for legacy Google REST clients
540+552277faraday-net_httpFaraday adapter for Net::HTTP