Featured Gems Ranking

Featured gems which are based on difference between daily rank and total rank.
481-500 of all 645 gems.
RankDiffDaily RankTotal RankNameSummary
481+8991180faraday-retryCatches exceptions and retries each request a limited number of times.
482+88314402commanderThe complete solution for Ruby command-line executables. Commander bridges the gap betw...
483+87131218google-apis-coreCommon utility and base classes for legacy Google REST clients
484+86114200rubocop-performanceA collection of RuboCop cops to check for performance optimizations in Ruby code.
484+86576662afma simple library to read afm files and use the data conveniently
486+839441,027formtastic_i18nI18n translation for the formtastic gem
487+80293373bindexBindings for your Ruby exceptions
487+809361,016activeadminThe administration framework for Ruby on Rails.
489+78224302raabroA very dumb PEG parser library, with a horrible interface.
489+7875153knapsackParallel tests across CI server nodes based on each test file's time execution. It gene...
491+76701777thriftRuby bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
491+76126202rubocop-railsAutomatic Rails code style checking tool. A RuboCop extension focused on enforcing Rail...
493+75625700wicked_pdfWicked PDF uses the shell utility wkhtmltopdf to serve a PDF file to a user from HTML. ...
493+75282357rack-attackA rack middleware for throttling and blocking abusive requests
495+74345419faraday_middleware-aws-sigv4Faraday middleware for AWS Signature Version 4 using aws-sigv4.
495+7478152actionmailboxReceive and process incoming emails in Rails applications.
495+74217291fugitTime tools for flor and the floraison project. Cron parsing and occurrence computing. T...
498+739551,028combine_pdfA nifty gem, in pure Ruby, to parse PDF files and combine (merge) them with other PDF f...
499+7279151actiontextEdit and display rich text in Rails applications.
500+71304375rails-i18nA set of common locale data and translations to internationalize and/or localize your R...