Featured Gems Ranking

Featured gems which are based on difference between daily rank and total rank.
121-140 of all 545 gems.
RankDiffDaily RankTotal RankNameSummary
121+505250755sentry-rubyA gem that provides a client interface for the Sentry error logger
122+502177679matrixAn implementation of Matrix and Vector classes.
123+493138631dateA subclass of Object includes Comparable module for handling dates.
124+4917701,261solargraphIDE tools for code completion, inline documentation, and static analysis
125+488495983warningruby-warning adds custom processing for warnings, including the ability to ignore speci...
126+486277763sentry-railsA gem that provides Rails integration for the Sentry error logger
127+483442925gitlab-labkitInstrumentation for GitLab
128+4797281,207rswag-uiExpose beautiful API documentation, powered by Swagger JSON endpoints, including a UI t...
129+4756461,121fastlane-plugin-firebase_app_distributionRelease your beta builds to Firebase App Distribution. https://firebase.google.com/docs...
130+474261735artifactoryA Ruby client for Artifactory
130+4747691,243grape-swaggerAdd auto generated documentation to your Grape API that can be displayed with Swagger.
132+469280749database_cleaner-coreStrategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean slate for testing.
133+459512971syncA module that provides a two-phase lock with a counter.
134+457525982tty-readerA set of methods for processing keyboard input in character, line and multiline modes. ...
135+4557571,212rswag-apiOpen up your API to the phenomenal OpenAPI ecosystem by exposing OpenAPI files, that de...
136+454509963omniauth-rails_csrf_protectionThis gem provides a mitigation against CVE-2015-9284 (Cross-Site Request Forgery on the...
137+453490943prometheus-clientA suite of instrumentation metric primitivesthat can be exposed through a web services ...
138+451275726sorbet-runtimeSorbet's runtime type checking component
139+4499151,364fastlane-plugin-appcenterFastlane plugin for App Center
140+4426721,114sorbetThe main entrypoint for using Sorbet