1 | 4,070 | 3,630 | active-fedora | ActiveFedora provides for creating and managing objects in the Fedora Repository Archit... |
2 | 4,551 | 3,754 | blacklight | Blacklight is an open source Solr user interface discovery platform.
You can use Bl... |
3 | 5,828 | 4,465 | hydra-head | Hydra-Head is a Rails Engine containing the core code for a Hydra application. |
4 | 5,919 | 7,478 | oai | A ruby library for working with the Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harve... |
5 | 6,267 | 5,072 | hydra-access-controls | Access controls for project hydra |
6 | 6,312 | 5,072 | hydra-core | Hydra-Head is a Rails Engine containing the core code for a Hydra application. The full... |
7 | 7,206 | 7,180 | solrizer | Use solrizer to populate solr indexes. You can run solrizer from within your app, usin... |
8 | 7,443 | 4,714 | om | OM (Opinionated Metadata): A library to help you tame sprawling XML schemas like MODS. ... |
9 | 8,012 | 8,423 | browse-everything | AJAX/Rails engine file browser for cloud storage services |
10 | 8,245 | 5,029 | noid | Nice Opaque Identifier |
11 | 8,314 | 6,142 | ldp | Linked Data Platform client library |
12 | 8,383 | 6,060 | rubydora | Fedora Commons REST API ruby library |
13 | 8,390 | 6,636 | hydra-derivatives | Derivative generation plugin for hydra |
14 | 8,502 | 7,478 | hydra-editor | A basic metadata editor for hydra-head |
15 | 8,530 | 8,263 | qa | Provides a set of uniform RESTful routes to query any controlled vocabulary or set of a... |
16 | 8,650 | 5,799 | hydra | Project Hydra Stack Dependencies |
17 | 8,693 | 6,142 | hydra-file_characterization | To provide a wrapper for file characterization |
18 | 8,796 | 9,102 | hydra-works | Using this data model should enable easy collaboration amongst Samvera projects. |
19 | 9,027 | 10,177 | jettywrapper | Spin up a jetty instance (e.g., the one at https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-jetty)... |
20 | 9,724 | 7,671 | hydra-pcdm | Portland Common Data Model (PCDM) |
21 | 9,856 | 7,568 | active_encode | This gem provides an interface to transcoding services such as Ffmpeg, Amazon Elastic T... |
22 | 10,003 | 8,423 | iiif_manifest | IIIF http://iiif.io/ defines an API for presenting related images in a viewer. This tra... |
23 | 10,260 | 15,582 | cul_scv_hydra | Hydra implementations for CUL repository apps |
24 | 10,273 | 54,023 | hyrax | Hyrax is a featureful Samvera front-end based on the latest and greatest Samvera softwa... |
25 | 10,847 | 8,565 | sufia | Sufia extends the robust Hydra framework to provide a user interface around common repo... |
26 | 11,411 | 6,434 | bixby | A Style Configuration for RuboCop |
27 | 11,774 | 8,002 | noid-rails | Noid identifier services for Rails-based applications. |
28 | 12,148 | 96,248 | curation_concerns | A Rails Engine that allows an application to CRUD CurationConcern objects (a.k.a. "Works") |
29 | 12,484 | 10,733 | sufia-models | Models and services for sufia |
30 | 13,002 | 18,748 | hydra-collections | A rails engine for managing Hydra Collections |
31 | 13,128 | 96,248 | samvera-nesting_indexer | Samvera nested collections indexing |
32 | 13,132 | 54,023 | iiif-image-api | Ruby APIs for working with IIIF |
33 | 13,506 | 54,023 | cul_hydra | Hydra implementations for CUL repository apps |
34 | 13,613 | 96,248 | active_fedora-noid | Noid identifier services for ActiveFedora-based applications. |
35 | 15,169 | 14,129 | hydra-batch-edit | Rails engine to do batch editing with curation_concerns |
36 | 15,477 | 45,193 | hydra-role-management | Rails engine to do user roles in an RDBMS for hydra-head |
37 | 16,048 | 28,948 | blacklight-marc | MARC support for Blacklight |
38 | 17,793 | 14,904 | active_fedora-registered_attributes | An ActiveFedora extension for registring attributes |
39 | 18,475 | 12,556 | hydra-remote_identifier | Handles the registration and minting of remote identifiers (i.e. DOI, ARK, ORCID) |
40 | 18,504 | 28,948 | blacklight_oai_provider | Blacklight Oai Provider plugin |
41 | 18,715 | 10,177 | hydra-pbcore | A Hydra gem that offers PBCore datastream definitions using OM |
42 | 19,364 | 10,733 | solrizer-fedora | An extension to projecthydra/solrizer that provides utilities for loading objects from ... |
43 | 20,601 | 11,358 | fcrepo_admin | A Rails engine for administrative access to a Fedora Commons repository based on the Hy... |
44 | 20,796 | 12,988 | curate | A data curation Ruby on Rails engine built on Hydra and Sufia |
45 | 23,741 | 28,948 | active_fedora_finders | A mixin library for ActiveFedora. Realtion methods operating against the FCRepo object ... |
46 | 25,079 | 96,248 | capistrano-cul | Common capistrano tasks shared across projects at CUL |
47 | 25,881 | 16,541 | cul_image_props | Library for extracting basic image properties |
48 | 26,330 | 96,248 | activefedora-aggregation | Aggregations for active-fedora |
49 | 26,939 | 15,582 | hydra-tutorial | Tutorial that works through setting up a hydra head |
50 | 27,974 | 96,248 | imogen | IIIF image derivative generation helpers for Vips |
51 | 29,340 | 16,541 | hybag | A Hydra gem for adding BagIt functionality to ActiveFedora models. |
52 | 29,473 | 23,525 | authlogic_wind | Authlogic plugin for WIND |
53 | 30,117 | 96,248 | fedora_lens | A client for Fedora Commons Repository (fcrepo) version 4 |
54 | 31,059 | 37,728 | active_fedora_relsint | ActiveFedora library to allow use of RELS-INT to track RDF assertions about datastreams... |
55 | 31,963 | 96,248 | geo_concerns | Rails engine for Hydra Geo models. Built around Curation Concerns engine. |
56 | 32,591 | 96,248 | cul_omniauth | Engine and model mixins for Omniauth with CAS and SSL. |
57 | 33,052 | 96,248 | curation_concerns-models | An extensible repository data-model with works and and many attached files |
58 | 33,348 | 15,582 | orcid | A Rails engine for orcid.org integration. |
59 | 34,043 | 37,728 | active_fedora_streamable | An ActiveFedora mixin that allows a datastream dissemination response to be streamed ba... |
60 | 34,122 | 96,248 | active_fedora-datastreams | XML and RDF datastreams for ActiveFedora |
61 | 37,103 | 96,248 | hydra-validations | Validations for Hydra applications, based on ActiveModel::Validations |
62 | 37,305 | 23,525 | devise_wind | some stuff |
63 | 40,605 | 96,248 | geomash | Parse string for potential geographic matches and return that data along with the TGN I... |
64 | 42,246 | 96,248 | fedora-migrate | Migrates data (models, datastreams, content) from a Fedora3 repository to Fedora4 |
65 | 44,965 | 28,948 | hydra-mods | Hydra MODS components split out from hydra-head |
66 | 48,984 | 96,248 | dbla | Rails engine to put BL on DPLA -> DBLA |
67 | 54,638 | 96,248 | worthwhile | A self-deposit system with works and and many attached files |
68 | 55,270 | 45,193 | hydra-ldap | A gem for managing groups with ldap |
69 | 55,573 | 96,248 | best_type | A library for selecting the best mime type or dc type for a file. |
70 | 61,293 | 33,147 | hydra-migrate | Simple migrations for Hydra objects |
71 | 63,654 | 96,248 | ansr | Wrapping the no-sql data sources in Rails-like models and relations |
72 | 65,910 | 45,193 | cul-fedora-arm | Tools for dealing with Cul ARM specification |
73 | 66,034 | 96,248 | tcramer | tcramer writes rake tasks |
74 | 72,774 | 54,023 | cul-handles | Columbia client to deal with handle server |
75 | 73,677 | 96,248 | geo_works | Rails engine for Hydra Geo models. Built around the Hyrax engine. |
76 | 74,500 | 37,728 | linked_vocabs | Linked Data Controlled Vocabularies for ActiveFedora::Rdf. |
77 | 76,427 | 96,248 | ansr_blacklight | Wrapping the Blacklight/RSolr in Rails-like models and relations |
78 | 83,523 | 96,248 | share_notify | Provides basic API integration with ShareNotify |
79 | 96,636 | 96,248 | ansr_dpla | Wrapping the DPLA APIs in Rails-like models and relations |
80 | 102,549 | 96,248 | huborg | Make changes to Organization Repositories en-masse. |
81 | 130,107 | 54,023 | order_up | Backend agnostic queuing implementation |
82 | 131,962 | 96,248 | active-encode | This gem serves as the basis for the interface between a Ruby (Rails) application and a... |
83 | 139,334 | 69,881 | single_use_links | Description of SingleUseLinks. |
84 | 151,031 | 69,881 | marc4r | MARC4R is a Ruby MARC parser based on MARC4J |
85 | 162,273 | 96,248 | hydra-grouper | The long awaited separation of groups and roles for Project Hydra. |