Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
152601-152620 of all 180,477 gems.
152,6003,113scalemailFramework for microservises scaling using Docker and cloud platforms.
152,6003,113idgen32non-repeating ID generation covering an almost maximal 32-bit range.
152,6003,113lewisStandard Ruby File API replacement for better consistency and convenience
152,6003,113simple_datatableAdd datatable
152,6003,113kdCompiles a kramdown file to pdf and html. This can be done with the kramdown gem, but ...
152,6003,113parassertCustom Assert runner for running tests in parallel.
152,6003,113spider-nodeSpider ruby interface using Node.js
152,6003,113jekyll-idAdd unique ID support for jekyll (markdown) documents.
152,6003,113prime_timeCommand line program that prints out a table of primes with each cell containing the pr...
152,6003,113hello_ruby_calculatorIt simply performs the four basic math operations
152,6003,113object_patObject#pat a monkey patch to avoid temporary variable assignments.
152,6003,113iphone_parserParse iphone resource files to extract strings, and create a file with the given strings
152,6003,113minitest_colorsMinitest plugin that prints colorful progress report. Less colorful than minetest/pride.
152,6003,113fluent-plugin-split-eventFluentd filter plugin to split an event into multiple events
152,6003,113calc_omontoy3An calculator implementation on ruby
152,6003,113riemann-postgresql-queryRun queries on postgresql and report results back to riemann
152,6003,113bulma-cssAdds bulma.css to the rails asset pipeline
152,6003,113pokedexRuby wrapper for Pokemon API.
152,6003,113ruboty-shinchokuHow is shinchoku?
152,6003,113middleman-gh-pages-winEasy deployment of Middleman sites to Github Pages