Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
152621-152640 of all 180,488 gems.
152,6063,113spider-nodeSpider ruby interface using Node.js
152,6063,113bulma-cssAdds bulma.css to the rails asset pipeline
152,6063,113pokedexRuby wrapper for Pokemon API.
152,6063,113ruboty-shinchokuHow is shinchoku?
152,6063,113authentication_systemWell rounded authenticication system for use with authlogic.
152,6063,113minitest_colorsMinitest plugin that prints colorful progress report. Less colorful than minetest/pride.
152,6063,113studio_game_20150214Pragmatic Studio Ruby Course Studio Game
152,6063,113pry_test_caseLibrary providing a test case class and other helpers for testin...
152,6063,113rack-blinkbox-zuul-tokensAutomatically processes Zuul authorisation tokens on Rack apps
152,6063,113zipcode_lookupThis gem uses the ziptastic api and google api to fetch the geo details via zipcode
152,6063,113calc_danmontoyaAn calculator implementation on ruby
152,6063,113standard-procedure-anvilTools for managing servers and apps built using dokku
152,6063,113remontDSL for row level data processing.
152,6063,113ticker-railsMake JQuery ticker available to Rails
152,6063,113omniauth-cvProvide access to the OAuth2 provider powering SSO for all things CV
152,6063,113kgallant90_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
152,6063,113hola_huzefaWrite a longer description or delete this line.
152,6393,112pompidouA scaffolding generator that makes assumptions about your app