Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
152641-152660 of all 180,488 gems.
152,6393,112mygemsA simple hello world gem
152,6393,112practica11Practica realizada sobre un quiz
152,6393,112kashimeKashime is OpenStack Network Managment tool - Alternatives neutron
152,6393,112foursquare_nextGives access to all endpoints in version 2 of foursquare's API with syntax that will be...
152,6393,112motion-docsProvides class and method documentation right in your RubyMotion REPL. Only activates w...
152,6393,112binding-slicerIntroduce a method to get a slice Hash of the current binding.
152,6393,112coinwokeAll things cryptocurrency.
152,6393,112casquadePlaceholder: A CQRS framework for AWS Lambda, Kinesis and DynamoDB
152,6393,112rsonalrsonal is a simple and efficient JSON writer for Ruby. It is designed to allow passing ...
152,6393,112tiny_score_serviceDescription of TinyScoreService.
152,6393,112lita-twitter-statusMake Lita respond with a twitter status
152,6393,112opal-pouchdbAn Opal bridge to the PouchDB database library
152,6393,112volkswagenVolkswagen behaves differently under CI and in prod
152,6393,112talltorp_foodiebroccoli is bleh
152,6393,112investtools-thriftRuby bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
152,6393,112calc_pquijanoAn calculator implementation on ruby
152,6393,112sluggable_henrySlugs maker
152,6393,112gnib-ads-apiA set of pure RoR classes for the Bing Ads API
152,6593,111recordselect-customjust for test
152,6593,111doc_type_checkerType Checker for Ruby at runtime using YARD