Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
153061-153080 of all 180,448 gems.
153,0443,085blackerz-sdkBlackerz API wrapper written in Ruby.
153,0443,085hola-nickrobiA simple hello world gem
153,0443,085rdf-hurleyHurley HTTP adapter for RDF.rb
153,0443,085kanagataGenerate files based on recipe and template files.
153,0443,085resque-pool-vintedquickly and easily fork a pool of resque workers, saving memory (w/REE) and monitor...
153,0443,085caring-nokogiriNokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features i...
153,0443,085sonos_cliPlay songs on your sonos in the terminal
153,0693,084njosefbeck_palindromeLearn English Ruby palindrome detector
153,0693,084filename_typeSimple filename manipulation in Ruby.
153,0693,084omniauth-bookerOmniAuth strategy for the Booker API using OAuth2
153,0693,084statwingProvides easy access to the statwing api for Ruby applications
153,0693,084deepl_apiBindings and a commandline tool for the DeepL REST API (
153,0693,084tiny-score-serviceDescription of TinyScoreService.
153,0693,084parsejsParseJS is a JavaScript parser written using KPeg
153,0693,084chrome_diffGenerate visual diff by chrome.
153,0693,084traffictionPerforms an HTTParty::get request in a reasonably threaded manner.Primarily useful for ...
153,0693,084ffffound_parserSimple parser for grabing images from
153,0693,084hola_a1521hkA simple hello world