Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
153121-153140 of all 180,488 gems.
153,0993,086ffffound_parserSimple parser for grabing images from
153,0993,086hola_a1521hkA simple hello world
153,0993,086apiphobic-serializersAPI Serializers
153,0993,086resque-pool-vintedquickly and easily fork a pool of resque workers, saving memory (w/REE) and monitor...
153,1253,085hola_will3A simple hello world gem
153,1253,085FetchrFetchr API
153,1253,085omniauth-imgurOmniAuth strategy for Imgur.
153,1253,085less_simple_date_scopesA set of standard date scopes to handle years, months and weeks based on created_at or ...
153,1253,085votable_rwSimple voting mechanism for quick project
153,1253,085kickscraper-snowInteract with Kickstarter through their API
153,1253,085tika_wrapperTika service wrapper
153,1253,085open_source_statsA quick script to generate metrics about the contribution your organization makes to th...
153,1253,085paczkomaty_inpostAPI for Paczkomaty InPost
153,1253,085signageComing Soon! Signage is here to provide authentication services to your roda and sequel...
153,1253,085typekit-cliA command line interface in Ruby to fetch information about your kits using the public ...
153,1253,085git_brdcustom git command for deleting local branches matching a given regex
153,1253,085objectsframework-pubsubPubSub (with websockets) for ObjectsFramework, documentation see Github
153,1253,085liveblog-plugin-indexerA LiveBlog plugin to Index previous entries to facilitate using keywords to search the ...
153,1253,085monozCommand line tool for managing ruby monorepos.
153,1253,085similarity_checkerTakes two strings as an input and returns similarity index out of a range of 0 to 100