Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
170281-170300 of all 182,419 gems.
170,2762,052peoplespaymentsPeoples Payments Ruby Client
170,2762,052fawesomefontawesome 5.6.3
170,2762,052path_listenerlisten url with some action
170,2762,052narray-fromfileExtracts data from a double precision floating point binary file. 倍精度浮動小数点バイナリファイルからデータ...
170,2762,052lita-hueLita Plugin to control Phillips Hue Lights
170,2762,052danger-danger_plugin_lintA Danger plugin to lint Danger plugin
170,2762,052kumolus-paranoiaYou would use this Paranoia gem if you wished that when you called destroy on an Ac...
170,2762,052as_methodBring Service Objects to your classes as methods.
170,2762,052html_texSimple conversion tool from HTML to TeX. Ignores all styling.
170,2762,052snake_the_gameA bit updated remake of famous Nokia3310-like Snake
170,2762,052erb-indentERB that supports de-indentation
170,2762,052mimetypesdataYou probably meant `gem install mime-types-data`.
170,2762,052sumacEases implementation of computer to computer communication by enabling programs to pass...
170,2942,051custom_nikhilProvides generated HTML data for Rails application
170,2942,051player_game_ruby_practiceRuby Practice
170,2942,051datelistSDK for developing using API in Ruby
170,2942,051terraspace_hooksUseful terraspace hook collection (infracost generator, tflint, tf validate)
170,2942,051smartfolio_view_toolProvides generated html data for Rails applications.
170,2942,051html_entryA simple gem which allows to organize fetching entries \ from plain HTML.
170,2942,051param_keys_convAdd string case converter to Ruby on Rails strong parameter keys.