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Most downloads over all time
170341-170360 of all 182,419 gems.
170,3372,048ipay-restA Ruby interface to the iPay REST API
170,3372,048khanha ruby gem with an C extension from Khanh.
170,3372,048polymer-platinum-railsPolymer platinum elements for using in Ruby on Rails application
170,3372,048kkclark_view_toolA gem to help handle view things like copyright
170,3372,048rocksdb-ruby2A simple RocksDB library for Ruby
170,3372,048pre-commit-perlSet pre-commit checks for Perl programming language
170,3372,048conorisprimeA simple gem
170,3372,048jgm_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
170,3372,048vuejs_form_forjust use vuejs_form_for instead of form_for
170,3372,048tipperA gem for generating tip values based on a number of inputs.
170,3372,048quote-sqlQuoteSql helps you creating SQL queries and proper quoting especially with advanced que...
170,3372,048priority_patientPriority indication
170,3372,048holla_atcha_boyA simple holla back gem
170,3372,048chariotRuby wrapper for os_signposts used to record events and intervals and show them using X...
170,3552,047psych-with-locationPsych is a YAML parser and emitter. Psych leverages libyaml[
170,3552,047trix_scientificA modified version of Basecamp's Trix Editor for use in scientific applications. Modif...
170,3552,047meme_generateA meme generator using api on
170,3552,047json_blobCreate `` tags to safely send data to the UI. Yo...
170,3552,047webpack_integratorSee file
170,3552,047listiReturns an oxford comma separated string for a given array, (csv, or list:COMMING SOON)