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170301-170320 of all 182,419 gems.
170,2942,051fdelache_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector.
170,2942,051mowGiven a ruby file generate a ruby one-liner
170,2942,051azure_mgmt_security_insightsOfficial Ruby client library to consume SecurityInsights
170,2942,051ruby-perlin-2D-map-generatorA gem that procedurally generates a seeded and customizable 2D map with optional roads ...
170,2942,051super_receptionistIdiomatic library for using the SuperReceptionist API from within ruby
170,2942,051erb-processorAll .erb files in the specified directory tree are going to be evaluated. The correspon...
170,3082,050time_value_moneyThis Gem will allow you to calculate the Future value of an asset or the present value ...
170,3082,050permitted_attributesGem to easily generate permitted attributes for ActiveController::StrongParameters
170,3082,050amr-test-projectMuch longer explanation of the example!
170,3082,050rgateLogic gates gem for ruby. Includes AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR.
170,3082,050mongoid_archivalEnables archiving (soft delete) of Mongoid documents.
170,3082,050run_length_encoderrun-length encode/decode stuff
170,3082,050toppayTopPay - Official Gem Of
170,3082,050tachyons-sass-railsSASS assets for for your Rails project.
170,3082,050logstash-input-crawlerThis plugin need set the initial url.
170,3082,050version-checkversion-check - up-to-date? - helpers for checking for / reporting outdated gem / libra...
170,3082,050rabbit-slide-hasumikin-RubyKaigiTakeout2021Presentation slide for RubyKaigi Takeout 2021
170,3202,049noceboA short summary, because RubyGems requires one.