Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
170321-170340 of all 182,419 gems.
170,3202,049jekyll-robotstxtAutomatically generate a robots.txt file for your Jekyll site.
170,3202,049github-username-regex-rubyA lightweight Ruby Gem to check if a GitHub username / handle is valid using regex
170,3202,049provet-clientA Provet Cloud client for ruby
170,3202,049paperclip_background_validatorValidate video background for Paperclip
170,3202,049pidomPID Control Library
170,3202,049dysonWrite a longer description or delete this line.
170,3202,049seas_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application.
170,3202,049shanu_gemshanu_gem is the best
170,3202,049facetorA simple hello world gem that demonstrates how you can use GitHub Actions to trigger ge...
170,3202,049me_apiThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
170,3202,049arcopyDump and load relational objects between Ruby environments.
170,3202,049scruinEvent auditing system for Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL
170,3202,049MyPreciousRuby1API wrapper for SOAP and REST API with Salesforce Marketing Cloud (ExactTarget)
170,3202,049ec-personel-themeTheme for my personal website.
170,3202,049solid_workflowuses solid_use_case and classy_hash gems to provide a nice interface for you to create ...
170,3202,049sample_copyright_text_integrationAdd a copyright text on the footer of the webpage
170,3372,048irynas_gem_ruby_projectmy first gem
170,3372,048tenkitWrapper for Weatherkit API
170,3372,048lesli_babelTranslation Management System for The Lesli Framework
170,3372,048reinarbEither used as GitHub bot or a CLI tool, reina performs setup and deployment of your ap...