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170361-170380 of all 182,419 gems.
170,3552,047sleepr94HELLO WORLD
170,3552,047yqrYAML Query is written in ruby.
170,3552,047flight_radarTo use this API see more information at:
170,3552,047ToccoStudioGameFUN GAME
170,3552,047hatefreewebThis gem connects to the API and classifies text for hate speech detection
170,3552,047logstash-output-redisearchThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
170,3552,047money-exchangeThis gem provides money-gem-compatible rates store connected to Open Exchange Rates API...
170,3552,047wip_apiMakers unite through API to build more awesomeness!
170,3552,047gogogibbonA wrapper for Gibbon containing useful helper methods.
170,3552,047yeshoua_crmCommon libraries for Yeshoua plugins ( for IntDoft. Requered Yeshoua ...
170,3712,046gurtz_copyrightCreats copyrights for pages with <% copyright %> with current year, name and all rights...
170,3712,046python3-parserA Python 3 parser for Ruby.
170,3712,046omniauth-mspcfoAn OmniAuth OAuth2 strategy for MSPCFO.
170,3712,046tiddlywikiutilsParses Tiddlers from a TiddlyWiki HTML file, as well as being to add Tiddlers.
170,3712,046bayserver-docker-httpBayServer is one of the high-speed web servers. It operates as a single-threaded, async...
170,3712,046sassrailsYou probably meant `gem install sass-rails`.
170,3712,046rootedThis gem implements a rooted, ordered tree, with a focus on easy iteration over nodes a...
170,3712,046redis-to-fluentd-listenerThis gem will help you to connect redis and fluentd. With it you'll be able to get your...
170,3712,046attributes-mapperDeclarative attributes mapping