Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
171121-171140 of all 182,433 gems.
171,1111,999ex-arrayA gem that is coming soon.
171,1111,999kamba_checkoutA gem to generate signatures based on your Kamba secret Key to use Kamba Checkout Js.
171,1111,999smart_idSmart ID wrapper libary for using Smart ID in Ruby applications
171,1111,999graphsrbThis gem allows to create simple directed and undirected graphs. Basic operations allow...
171,1251,998ruby-helloA simple hello world gem
171,1251,998omniauth-ingOfficial OmniAuth strategy for ING.
171,1251,998nest-apiThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,1251,998rollout-redisFast and easy feature flags based on the latest Redis versions.
171,1251,998sentimentanalyzerA gem that does sentiment analysis and profane words filter on provided text. Cloud App...
171,1251,998win_aliasManage simple bat scripts to easily generate aliases in Windows.
171,1251,998flex_transYou can implement the lightweight, flexible, and simple object pool by flex_trans. This...
171,1251,998fluent-plugin-tcp_socket_clientInput plugin for Fluent, reads from TCP socket
171,1251,998graphql-pundit-387Pundit authorization support for graphql
171,1251,998dry-schema-extensionsEnhances dry-schema with the ability to export convert dry-schemas to OpenAPI definitions.
171,1251,998redis_data_viewerA gem that lets you see redis data in your rails application. It helps you view the dat...
171,1251,998runger_actionsOrganize (and validate) the business logic of your Rails application.
171,1391,997esphinx-loader-railsLoader to scripts.
171,1391,997lp_rails_utilUtility code for Rails apps