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171041-171060 of all 182,433 gems.
171,0342,005outreach-ruby_style_guideA simple hello world gem
171,0342,005immosquare-constantsImmosquareConstants gem provides a robust set of constants to facilitate application de...
171,0342,005eventenginegraphql and event sourcing are a match made in heaven!
171,0342,005mendoza_view_toolProvides Generated HTML data for Rails applications.
171,0342,005yg_for_me_test_gemputs time
171,0462,004rofltimTim edition of an ASCII side-scrolling game, with ANSI color!
171,0462,004typecheckedThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,0462,004checkout_queueThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,0462,004gkd_cy_gemWrite a longer description or delete this line
171,0462,004backend-ruby결제검증 및 취소 등의 기능 연동을 위한 bootpay ruby 플러그인 입니다.
171,0462,004logstash-input-packetloop_s3A fork of Logstash S3 input that contains a temporary fix with processing Cloudwatch lo...
171,0462,004faker-rubimasTest data generator using idolmaster.
171,0462,004tailwind-jekyll-themeBase theme for using Tailwind CSS with Jekyll.
171,0462,004apple_portal_syncThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,0462,004ex-enumA gem that is coming soon.
171,0462,004my_appan app for class
171,0572,003helloworld_satA simple hello world gem
171,0572,003spain_dniThis gem verifies the last letter or a DNI/NIE and has methods to generate fake ones fo...
171,0572,003hachiwariCalculate the number of wins needed to achieve an 80% win rate.
171,0572,003rb_battleshipImplementation of the Battleship code kata