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Most downloads over all time
171081-171100 of all 182,433 gems.
171,0702,002tire-fireA simple hello world gem
171,0702,002saferpay_rubySaferpay JSON application programming interface with a ruby API wrapper built with Net:...
171,0832,001trumptweetsGenerated tweets from Donal Trump to seed varchar fields of database tables
171,0832,001paypal_eventPaypal webhook integration for Rails applications.
171,0832,001chikari_palindromeA project for my learning purposes, it detects palindromes both in strings and integers.
171,0832,001PlayerDBUnofficial Ruby Client to interface with the NodeCraft PlayerDB API.
171,0832,001juceA set of Ruby helpers to import and export data coming from apps built with JUCE (h...
171,0832,001helplyIntercom-like Helpdesk for Rails apps
171,0832,001money-testCurrency converter gem test
171,0832,001termtableTable generator for the terminal
171,0832,001atlasqCountry, region, and currency info at your fingertips. Query for regional info and see ...
171,0832,001mongoid-categorized_counter_cacheMongoid Counter Cache extension: counter cache with categorized count
171,0832,001messagemedia_conversations_sdkThe Conversations API allows users to communicate by sending and receiving messages via...
171,0952,000gem-bumperA Handy, Simple Gem for quickly updating the version of a Gem in your Gemfile
171,0952,000capistrano-scm-makecopyCopy strategy for capistrano 3.x
171,0952,000spring-commands-racliracli command for Spring
171,0952,000tingg_encryptionThe best encryption class
171,0952,000omniauth-yoyowOfficial OmniAuth strategy for yoyow.
171,0952,000satisfactionTrack your level of happiness in a project.