Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
171101-171120 of all 182,433 gems.
171,0952,000setonceLike attr_accessor, but attribute can only be set once
171,0952,000patternifierAllows you easier create patterns in you app using Factory Method Pattern.
171,0952,000orcfileThis gem allows for the creation and reading of Apache Hive Optimized Row Columnar (ORC...
171,0952,000douganddeb3_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
171,0952,000db-mysqlRuby FFI bindings for libpq C interface.
171,0952,000jekyll-themes-controlJekyll plugin for building Jekyll sites with any GitHub-hosted theme
171,0952,000capistrano-aws-ec2Dynamically select EC2 instances to interact with using Capistrano.
171,0952,000redis_rejsonRedis ReJSON (v4 Module - json manipulation) API adapter
171,0952,000fillson22_make_htmlThis gem great html-code with parametres of my file *.rb
171,0952,000huenitedAMP-ready theme for Jekyll
171,1111,999vino_suggestEm's Wine Selection Assistant is a terminal app design to assist user's with the decisi...
171,1111,999sprocketsrailsYou probably meant `gem install sprockets-rails`.
171,1111,999jekyll-version-docsProvides your documentation with a version control system
171,1111,999ciao_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for rails application
171,1111,999gofundmeA library to scrape donation campaigns (called Projects). GoFundMe does no...
171,1111,999uk_pincodewhen provided UK pincode it will return state.
171,1111,999ns-apple-pushApplePush is a very simple implementation of the APNS (Apple Push Notification Service)...
171,1111,999embulk-input-snowflakedbEmbulk input plugin for Snowflake
171,1111,999chronicle-zulipZulip importer for chronicle-etl
171,1111,999tessenDescription of Tessen.