Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
171141-171160 of all 182,433 gems.
171,1391,997rails-parcelRails integration of parceljs
171,1391,997pixieboxDocker development simplified.
171,1391,997print-scormExports SCORM packages to PDF
171,1391,997jekyll-last-modified-dateA liquid tag for Jekyll to indicate the last time a file was modified.
171,1391,997kobys_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
171,1391,997vagrant-guest-cygwinPlugin to add support for cygwin guest
171,1391,997omg_objectifyAllows the creation of dynamic object definitions and instances
171,1481,996micro_profilerMeasure time, memory usage, and GC runs of Ruby code
171,1481,996caligaThese boots are made for running, that's just what they do.
171,1481,996cullThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,1481,996todays_recommended_lunchretun recommended lunch
171,1481,996tanjtools for print statement debugging
171,1481,996capistrano-goenvgoenv support for Capistrano 3.x
171,1481,996servietteSaving for later
171,1481,996adjustable_schemaRails Engine to allow ActiveRecord associations be set up in the DB instead of being ha...
171,1481,996ravi_view_toolProvide generated HTML data for Rails application.
171,1571,995mathsuite_gemThis gem will help you to solve Abramov book math tasks.
171,1571,995puma-runtime_envWrite a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
171,1571,995ztUtilities and glue to make working with ZeroTier networks a bit more friendly
171,1571,995time_as_wordsConverts time in seconds to words, e.g. 1h 30min 15sec