Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
176981-177000 of all 182,301 gems.
176,980956dradis-penteraThis add-on allows you to upload and parse pentera reports
176,980956telegram_simple_messengerSimple and easy
176,983955travel_salesmanSolve Travel Salesman Problem. Give best route and route cost.
176,983955lingerProvide Devise-style authentication helpers for StimulusReflex
176,983955setagoA simple hello world gem
176,983955mermaidGenerate Diagrams and Flowcharts with Mermaid
176,983955html_safe_flashUse html_safe strings naturally in Rails flash messages
176,983955unhandled_exception_formatterCustom RSpec formatter to output unhandled exception.
176,983955lakalaLakala gem with some basic features
176,983955trash_libThis is a library for system file's trash in FreeDesktop Trash compliant environments.
176,991954greipThe official Gem of Greip for Ruby.
176,991954hola_inhibitor181A simple hello world gem
176,991954autoscale-queue-delayed-jobProduces Delayed Job queue metrics for the Agent
176,991954primroseBuild reactive web applications with observable data structures and components
176,995953my-super-cool-gemThis is my gem
176,995953omniauth-meliOmniauht strategy for Mercado Livre.
176,995953git_release_notesBuilding Release Notes from JIRA based on Git commits.
176,995953easy_commandEasy way to build and manage commands (service objects)
176,995953bquorning-test-gemWrite a longer description or delete this line.