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Most downloads over all time
176981-177000 of all 183,193 gems.
176,9771,085jekyll-calibreJekyll plugin to generate a site from a Calibre library
176,9821,084co2_travel_calcSimple estimate for CO2 emissions from cars and plane
176,9821,084xm_test_gmeRangeList is a library that can handle ranges quickly and appropriately.
176,9821,084logstash-filter-opensearch-manticoreThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
176,9821,084universe-kushalWrite a longer description or delete this line.
176,9821,084stax-lintStax is a flexible set of ruby classes for cloudformation stacks: stax-lint adds suppor...
176,9821,084holodexWrapper for the Holodex API.
176,9881,083blocklistshowDisplay of data from blocklistd on FreeBSD with country codes and reverse DNS.
176,9881,083fuck-bezosA simple hello world gem
176,9881,083fastlane-plugin-figure_releaseFastlane plugin for publishing React Native applications.
176,9881,083alloy_sdkRun Alloy workflows from a ruby server.
176,9921,082audited-uiA UI for Audited.
176,9921,082sportdb-quicksportdb-quick - football.txt (quick) match readers and more
176,9921,082runtfySimple ntfy ruby wrapper. Check . Also my first gem !
176,9951,081pg_search_multiple_highlightThe 'pg_search_multiple_highlight' gem extends the functionality of the popular 'pg_...
176,9951,081pdf2html_docker_wrapper_rmenuIt converts any kind of PDF documents to HTML, maintaining the style
176,9951,081siteimprove_api_clientNo description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
176,9951,081seametrix_rubyRuby wrapper for Seametrix API
176,9991,080luhn_validateValidate Card PAN by Luhn algorithm
176,9991,080md_resumeWrite a resume in markdown, style it with CSS, edit it with a live server and distr...