Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177001-177020 of all 182,301 gems.
177,001952carl-activerecord-jsonb-associationsUse PostgreSQL JSONB fields to store association information of your models
177,001952serpis_objekhelping you create Service Object
177,001952messagedA quick and easy way to implement an instant-messaging module using Turbo Rails.
177,001952colorize_logsColorize your Rails logs
177,001952buildlessComing soon
177,001952solar_terms_24It uses JPL Horizons System API to calculate the accurate solar terms' times and can tr...
177,007951siropSirop: Ruby code rewriter
177,007951fluent-plugin-gelf-out.fitterpenBuffered fluentd output plugin to GELF (Graylog2).
177,007951rswag_json_loaderLoad JSON schemas into RSwag's Swagger/OpenAPI spec
177,007951configemA mixin to add configuration functionality to your classes
177,007951administrate-field-csvCSV field plugin for Administrate
177,012950vitaA tool for tending and publishing a digital garden
177,012950cognito_idp_railsSimple Rails integration for authentication through Amazon Cognito IdP (User Pools)
177,012950Cat_api_controlerA simple cat api gem
177,012950google-apis-addressvalidation_v1This is the simple REST client for Address Validation API V1. Simple REST clients are R...
177,012950mediumishA beautiful, mediumish theme for Jekyll.
177,012950rubocop-getninjasWrite a longer description or delete this line.
177,018949log-paper-trail-changesA gem that logs the changes made by PaperTrail in ActiveRecord models
177,018949cddsA Ruby interface for searching disqualified company directors and senior managers
177,018949shn-mk-kitpersonal test development tool