Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177061-177080 of all 182,288 gems.
177,056941omnifocus_parserOmniFocus parser
177,056941easy_commandEasy way to build and manage commands (service objects)
177,056941vident-typed-view_componentVident with ViewComponent & typed attributes
177,056941jekyll-plantuml-liteGenerating PlantUML diagrams in Jekyll using a PlantUML server.
177,056941telegram-support-botThe telegram_support_bot gem provides Rails applications with an easy-to-integrate Tele...
177,066940rails-autoscale-solid_queueAutoscaling for Solid Queue workers.
177,066940team_fastlane-domain_driven_designGem for an internal project
177,066940kong-clientA Ruby client for the Kong API
177,066940c2edevA CLI interface for c2e Developer
177,066940fluent-plugin-gelf-in.fitterpenA GELF input plugin for fluentd
177,066940raounak-resumeIt is a CLI application which provides my resume
177,066940ruby-agentsSetup and organize requests between multiple AI agents.
177,075938jekyll-obsidianJekyll site implementation of obsidian as close to how it looks in the app
177,075938turbo-rubyTurbo helpers without the requirement for Rails
177,075938chatoperastore## TBD, a draft version. ## License Chunsong Public License, version 1.0 https...
177,075938procifyHandy dsl for wrapping methods in procs.
177,079937portrPortr is a Ruby gem manages a pool of ports
177,079937hipsA gem to create branch from GitLab issue