Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177041-177060 of all 183,193 gems.
177,0411,071webmock-graphqlLibrary for stubbing graphql request (from ruby to other services), wrapper of webmock
177,0411,071aws-secrets-managerSupport multiple plaintext and key-value aws secrets
177,0411,071iugu-api-sdkIugu API
177,0411,071parsemerlinParse a merlin agent_log.txt file and send the parsed commands to a remote endpoint
177,0411,071delete_derived_dataSearch all DerivedData folders and moves files or folders to the trash. Empty the trash...
177,0411,071c2edevA CLI interface for c2e Developer
177,0411,071ip2regionip2region ruby version.
177,0411,071rails_live_dashboardRealtime debug dashboard for Rails applications
177,0411,071card-management-sdkThe Shell Card Management API is REST-based and employs OAUTH 2.0,Basic and ApiKey auth...
177,0411,071dutData Update Tool facilitates efficient bulk-updating of data in Ruby applications
177,0411,071csv_makerA simple csv maker. Create large csv files with it
177,0411,071schwab-api-rubyThis is a gem for connecting to the OAuth/JSON-based Schwab API. See
177,0531,070scws4rWith SCWS to split Chinese sentences
177,0531,070makroon_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
177,0531,070rubatoProvides some functionality for working with audio and music concepts in Ruby
177,0531,070captive-sdkCaptive SDK pour construire une App Rails rapidement
177,0531,070pg_likeA gem to facilitate the use of LIKE ANY and LIKE ALL PostgreSQL operators with Rails Ac...
177,0581,069threatCollection of useful Danger plugins
177,0581,069kleeEvaluate the similarities and differences in your objects. Art does not reflect what is...
177,0581,069carrierwave_image_validateA validate image ratio gem for carrierwave