Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177041-177060 of all 182,301 gems.
177,036947sequel-postgres-prPure Ruby driver for PostgreSQL, designed for use with Sequel
177,036947app_permission_statisticsapp permission statistics from ipas
177,036947toy-executable-hooksHook into rubygems executables allowing extra actions to be taken before executable is ...
177,044946tomyumA DSL for defining API schemas/endpoints, validating, serializing and generating Open A...
177,044946webmock-graphqlLibrary for stubbing graphql request (from ruby to other services), wrapper of webmock
177,044946huginn_ollama_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
177,047945acoustikinesisThis gem will create audio out of now where
177,047945levaLeva is a Ruby on Rails framework for evaluating Language Models (LLMs) using ActiveRec...
177,047945foobara-domain-mapper-generatorGenerates Foobara domain mappers
177,047945johny_brownFirst gem created just for printing text "Jonhy".
177,051944jekyll-obsidianJekyll site implementation of obsidian as close to how it looks in the app
177,051944middleware_apm_dpThe 'APM' (Application Performance Monitoring) Ruby gem provides developers with compre...
177,051944labmI am learning to push rubygem. This is my first gem
177,051944uule_converterA Ruby library for encoding and decoding UULE parameters in Google search URLs using co...
177,055943apimaticpackageThis is testing text
177,055943lmLogic Minimizer Library
177,055943calc_calorieIt is easy to calculate your today's calorie with body weight and fat percentage whiche...
177,055943cosmosc2-tool-handbooksThis plugin adds the COSMOS Handbooks tool
177,055943omniauth-oauth2-yahooA Yahoo OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth.
177,055943vident-typed-view_componentVident with ViewComponent & typed attributes