Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177081-177100 of all 183,193 gems.
177,0791,064rudachi-rbA Ruby wrapper for Sudachi.
177,0791,064eagarcias-calculatorThis is my first gem. It is a simple calculator that can add, subtract, multiply, and d...
177,0791,064featuryA set of tools for building reliable services of any complexity
177,0791,064mailersend-actionmailerAn ActionMailer delivery method using the MailerSend Ruby SDK to send emails with their...
177,0851,063cucumber-apiscucumber-api allows API JSON response validation and verification in BDD style.
177,0851,063learn_gem_createlearn gem create
177,0851,063ruby_studio_game_kmAbsolutely should make a proper read me for my first Ruby repository. TBD.
177,0851,063clinoclino is a minimalistic CLI generator that allows you to create a CLI application with ...
177,0851,063rack_entra_id_authRails aware Rack middleware for Entra ID authentication.
177,0851,063elasticgraph-schema_definitionElasticGraph gem that provides the schema definition API and generates schema artifacts.
177,0911,062hiera-eyaml-vault_rsEyaml plugin for Vault transit secrets engine. Forked from
177,0911,062OmegaBandwagonTransfer import statement into right way
177,0911,062rails_env_helperSimplify working with environment variables in a Ruby on Rails application.
177,0941,061ribbit_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
177,0941,061google-maps-fleet_engine-deliveryEnables Fleet Engine for access to the On Demand Rides and Deliveries and Last Mile Fle...
177,0941,061have_query_counthow many queries did you run? this will tell u
177,0941,061workflow-testingA stub gem to test workflows
177,0981,060greipThe official Gem of Greip for Ruby.
177,0981,060slob_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
177,0981,060foobara-domain-mapper-generatorGenerates Foobara domain mappers