Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177081-177100 of all 182,288 gems.
177,079937hola_idealatomA simple hello world gem
177,079937calculator_v2_xthis is the longest description
177,079937microservices-loginRazor Risk's Cassini Web-framework's Login microservice
177,079937arangodb-driverRuby driver for ArangoDB's HTTP API arangodb-driver is a drop-in replacement for the (u...
177,079937omniauth-oauth2-yahooA Yahoo OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth.
177,086936google-cloud-cloud_controls_partner-v1Provides insights about your customers and their Assured Workloads based on your Sovere...
177,086936order_byAdds order functionality to your ActiveRecord models so that your controllers have shar...
177,088935copydroneCopydrone implementes a service object locator pattern
177,088935codebreaker_anzqCodebreaker is a logic game in which a code-breaker tries to break a secret code ...
177,088935google-shopping-css-v1Programmatically manage your Comparison Shopping Service (CSS) account data at scale. N...
177,088935microservices-systemstatusRazor Risk's Cassini Web-framework's System Status microservice
177,093934vitc_hello_gemWrite a longer description or delete this file.
177,093934restful-externalfacilitiesRazor Risk's Cassini Web-framework's ExternalFacilities RESTful microservice
177,093934levaLeva is a Ruby on Rails framework for evaluating Language Models (LLMs) using ActiveRec...
177,093934roseflow-tiktokenTiktoken tokenizer for Roseflow.
177,099933microservices-legacyRazor Risk's Cassini Web-framework's Legacy microservice
177,099933voskVosk is an offline open source speech recognition toolkit. It enables speech recognitio...