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177241-177260 of all 182,288 gems.
177,241906ruby-openai-transitory-v2While alexrudall/ruby-openai is in v1, this gem is a temporary fork that will be remove...
177,241906bg_serviceRun a network service as a subprocess for tests
177,243905inputomaticMake text boxes in your web apps handle human inputs like '1+2' or 'next tuesday'
177,243905tldr-clitldr-cli is a tldr pages client created using Ruby
177,243905sorted_containersA collection of sorted containers including SortedArray, SortedDict, and SortedSet.
177,243905newrelic-hanami-ageriReports Hanami controller actions to NewRelic.
177,243905cisbinCasbin for Rails
177,248904intrinsic-sdkThe Intrinsic Ruby SDK allows you to interact with the Intrinsic API. Visit https://doc...
177,248904claps-busDecoupling bus, isolating business logic from controller
177,248904abibaseabibase - command line tool / helper to manage application binary interfaces (abis)
177,248904didikon_docker_builderbuild and push didikon dockers to aliyun repo
177,248904mini_mockRecord and replay requests using Typhoeus built-in stubbing functionality.
177,253903minitest-coloringWrite a longer description or delete this line.
177,253903decidim-transparent_trashProvide a transparent trash where rejected initiatives are public and accessible.
177,253903hai-activerecordHai ActiveRecord uses ActiveRecord as it's database layer.
177,253903reviewmeA simple star review generator gem
177,253903omniauth-tiktok-loginkitOmniAuth Strategy for TikTok LoginKit
177,253903sixerUnofficial gem for Cloud66 API
177,253903gabyse_palindrome_detectorRuby palindrome detector for strings and integers.
177,253903chatsonicThis gem allows interact with ChatSonic ( An Alternative to ChatGPT-4 ) with Real Time ...