Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177321-177340 of all 183,193 gems.
177,3181,020plc_accessThe PlcAccess communicates with PLCs. You can get values or states of PLC devices.
177,3181,020prism_checker_minitestprism_checker_minitest is an extension for minitest, built on top of the site_prism gem...
177,3181,020wslian_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
177,3241,019ufAn efficient way to determine connectedness in graphs\ Inspirati...
177,3241,019jekyll-gfm-admonitionsThis plugin allows you to use GitHub-flavored markdown syntaxto create admonition block...
177,3241,019gitlab_clientGitlab API client
177,3281,018jekyll-blockerJekyll plugin for block and block_container tags
177,3281,018tweettopA simple API wrapper for Twitter API requests.
177,3281,018forticonsA package that distributes FontAwesome icons in a gem
177,3281,018bridgetown_obsidianConverts Obsidian notes to Bridgetown posts
177,3321,017elasticgraphElasticGraph meta-gem that pulls in all the core ElasticGraph gems.
177,3321,017prefixtrieA simple prefix trie gem
177,3321,017ordered_dsRead the code.
177,3321,017elasticgraph-elasticsearchWraps the Elasticsearch client for use by ElasticGraph.
177,3321,017superagiSuperAGI API + Ruby! 🦄❤️
177,3321,017visual-qrcodeA gem to generate working QRCodes with images in their background
177,3401,016i18n-aii18n-ai is a gem that converts your locales into different languages automatically