Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177321-177340 of all 182,288 gems.
177,320889preciseRomanise Arabic script, arabicise romanisations of Arabic script back into Latin script
177,320889panolint-railsRules for linting Rails code at Panorama Education. Use the latest git commit of this g...
177,320889activerecord-model_inheritanceAn attempt at real inheritance for ActiveRecord models.
177,320889passwordmanthis is a password generator and analyser written in pure ruby
177,320889event_notifierListen for database events like create new record, updated existing or destroy & notify...
177,326888deprecated_attributesDeprecatedAttributes provides a straightforward and unobtrusive method for flagging dep...
177,326888vmpooler-provider-ec2EC2 provider for VMPooler
177,326888rail_inspectorA collection of linters for rails/rails
177,326888cdek_apiCDEK API
177,326888konfiguracja-railsRails integration for Konfiguracja gem
177,326888dry_object_mapperTransform your ActiveRecord objects into Dry::Struct objects
177,326888webshakerWeb scraper that shakes a link to extract info out of it using AI.
177,326888d-installer-cliCommand line interface for D-Installer service
177,334887ransel_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby Palindrome detector
177,334887vietnamese_holidayThis library provides a list of public holidays in Vietnam during the year. Including s...
177,334887pcliPonsqb admin CLI.
177,334887fury_dumperDump from remote DB by lead_ids interval
177,334887flakieTest flakyness of commands
177,334887epub2mobiConvert epub to mobi using calibre-ebook ebook-convert cli tool
177,334887track_durationA gem to handle times like 14:03:45 to seconds and vice-versa