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177181-177200 of all 182,288 gems.
177,177918cbor-diag-ecbor-diag-e implements external constants for CBOR diagnostic notation
177,177918fluent-plugin-unwinddataWrite a longer description or delete this line.
177,177918archive-pecanDeal with virtual electronic component files known as Pecan component archives.
177,177918miles200_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
177,177918gem_server_conformanceA conformance test suite for RubyGems servers.
177,177918core-boundaryDefine boundaries for verification, validation, and normalization.
177,188917prestructGenerates the (semi-opinianated) basic file structure for a ruby project in users curre...
177,188917chradA commsnd line utility to convert integers into arbitrary bases.
177,188917rgss_dbrgss_db is a tool designed for developers to export and import the database files of a ...
177,188917jekyll-thumbnail-imgA Jekyll plugin to generate image thumbnails with specified width.
177,188917payoneer-rbThis library provides integration with Payoneer V4 API
177,193916srmsA simple greeting gem
177,193916cat_facts_api_clientA simple fun facts about cats gem
177,193916dorian-progressprogress bar
177,193916cocoapods-xcconfigEmptyA short description of cocoapods-xcconfigEmpty.
177,193916logstash-filter-hash_selectThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
177,193916social-imagesUsing LibVips to process images, Social::Images generates images for use on social medi...
177,199915mattermost-messengerSimpel Mattermost message helper
177,199915redis_batchA minimal gem for safely pushing data onto redis and taking it back out in batches of a...