Total Downloads Ranking
Most downloads over all time
177201-177220 of all 183,193 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
177,196 | 1,038 | decode_xlog | Write a longer description or delete this line. |
177,196 | 1,038 | z4bot | The z4 discord server management and user interaction bot framework. |
177,203 | 1,037 | ruby-wsone | Workspace ONE Ruby Gem |
177,203 | 1,037 | abstract_method_error | Lets you define abstract methods that raise when called |
177,203 | 1,037 | hello123 | A simple hello world gem |
177,203 | 1,037 | airship-style | Airship's official rubocop style guide. |
177,203 | 1,037 | actionhash | ActionHash is a Ruby gem designed to validate a series of actions while obfuscating the... |
177,203 | 1,037 | fera-apps-rails | Checkout the Fera Rails App github repo to get started with a beautiful Fera App integr... |
177,203 | 1,037 | compser | Compser is a parser library for Ruby inspired by elm-parser. |
177,203 | 1,037 | huginn_harvest | Fetch resources from harvest. |
177,203 | 1,037 | fastlane-plugin-translate_gpt_release_notes | Translate release notes or changelogs for iOS and Android apps using OpenAI GPT API |
177,212 | 1,036 | autoscale-queue-sidekiq | Produces Sidekiq queue metrics for the Agent |
177,212 | 1,036 | daru_lite | Daru (Data Analysis in RUby) is a library for analysis, manipulation and visualization ... |
177,212 | 1,036 | hola_sm | A simple hello world gem |
177,212 | 1,036 | hola_goblinlady | A simple hello world gem |
177,212 | 1,036 | baseball_stats | This gem is created for my lerning. This gem provide method to calculate baseball stats. |
177,212 | 1,036 | ptrie | A simple Prefix Tree |
177,212 | 1,036 | mr-slave-omniauth | Hola |
177,212 | 1,036 | procify | Handy dsl for wrapping methods in procs. |
177,220 | 1,035 | ddsketch | DDSketch is a fast-to-insert, fully mergeable, space-efficient quantile sketch with rel... |