Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177201-177220 of all 182,288 gems.
177,199915vagrant-host-artixVagrant host plugin for Artix Linux
177,199915services-clientedgeserviceRazor Risk's Cassini Web-framework's Client Edge Service
177,199915k12-ims-ltiRuby library for creating IMS LTI tool providers and consumers
177,199915consoloA console-inspired jekyll theme for personal blogs and websites. Improved/expanded fork...
177,205914capistrano-tellerCapistrano plugin for managing environment variables with teller
177,205914at_home_in_vitro_test_kitInferno tests for the At Home In Vitro IG
177,205914blockhashThis is a perceptual image hash calculation and comparison tool based on the blockhash ...
177,205914fastlane-plugin-match_androidShare your Android keystore with your team in a secure way
177,205914jbritain-jekyll-theme%q{Jekyll theme for my website}
177,205914redis_query_matcherThis gem provides a RSpec matcher make_redis_queries.
177,211913jekyll-theme-bearblogA Jekyll theme based on Bear Blog. Free, non-nonsense, super-fast blogging
177,211913pgbPostgres-specific ORM for Ruby
177,211913easy_translationEasy Translation
177,211913gelf.fitterpenLibrary to send GELF messages to Graylog logging server. Supports plain-text, GELF mess...
177,211913roseflowRoseflow is a library for effortlessly building interactions with AI
177,211913shipayGem para integração de pagamento via pix e carteira digitais da Shipay
177,218912crabyCraby is just a quick test suite setup for Rails application
177,218912rbi-centralPlaceholder by RubyGems security team
177,218912bundler-ctags_generatorProvides a hook after gem installation to generate ctags