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177161-177180 of all 182,288 gems.
177,157922foodie_dapsWe call our gem foodie because this gem is going to do a couple of things around food, ...
177,157922pagy_mongoid_cursorPagy Extra to do cursor based pagination for Mongoid.
177,157922restful-tradecontributionsRazor Risk's Cassini Web-framework's Trade Contributions RESTful microservice
177,157922cocoapods-kwai快手 cocoapods 插件,提供内部便捷功能.
177,157922samplegem-rubySample Gem
177,166921validate_htmlValidate HTML files as they leave your app by rack or by mail or by turbo-stream
177,166921jekyll-ipaIPA plugin to go with the Jekyll PaperWiki theme.
177,168920hola-iprog21A simple hello world gem made by iprog21
177,168920tz-travelerFind timezone based on geographical location, offline.
177,168920tashA hash that allows for transformation of its keys. A transformation block is given to c...
177,168920restful-riskpointdata-domainsRazor Risk's Cassini Web-framework's RiskPointData.Domains RESTful microservice
177,168920proxied_requestMake HTTP requests through a tor as proxy.
177,168920fastlane-plugin-telegram_senderAllows post messages to telegram channel
177,174919array_collectionWrite a longer description or delete this line.
177,174919schema_builderConverts a JSON API object into a JSON Schema format
177,174919streamelementsRuby library for the StreamElements API
177,177918ruzzyA coverage-guided fuzzer for pure Ruby code and Ruby C extensions
177,177918kanal-plugins-batteries_bridgeThis plugin provides transformation between different interface properties (e.g. tg_aud...
177,177918decidim-microsoftOmniAuth strategy for microsoft
177,177918razorrisk-cassini-utilities-secretserverRazor Risk's Cassini Web-framework's Secret Server utility