Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177261-177280 of all 182,960 gems.
177,259998squib-extensionsBonus functionality and shortcuts for working with squib
177,259998vident-typed-phlexVident with Phlex & typed attributes
177,259998lintityRails gem to create list of entities
177,264997japanese_numeralsExpansion of Integer class. Integer converts to Japanese numeral, such as 「万」 「億」
177,264997rodauth-guestProvides guest users functionality for Rodauth.
177,264997sportdb-quicksportdb-quick - football.txt (quick) match readers and more
177,264997forticonsA package that distributes FontAwesome icons in a gem
177,268996serpis_objekhelping you create Service Object
177,268996shekrebisgemii'm just trying to do things ok?
177,268996jekyll-validatorCalls the W3C Validator API with every page Jekyll generates and displays the validatio...
177,268996auction_fun_corePractical application of clean architecture in a real business idea using ruby.
177,268996git_release_notesBuilding Release Notes from JIRA based on Git commits.
177,273995askyRuby utility to perform Unicode to ASCII transliteration
177,273995rotessa-rbRuby client library for Rotessa's API
177,273995tramway-botsRails Engine for bot management
177,273995cbor-diag-ecbor-diag-e implements external constants for CBOR diagnostic notation
177,277994buildlessComing soon
177,277994lettuce_entertain_youGenerate shrimp and lettuce text for slack.
177,279993google-maps-fleet_engine-deliveryEnables Fleet Engine for access to the On Demand Rides and Deliveries and Last Mile Fle...
177,279993travel_salesmanSolve Travel Salesman Problem. Give best route and route cost.