Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177341-177360 of all 182,288 gems.
177,334887VaughnGroundskeeper to manage your rails application
177,342886breeze_cmsBreeze integrates a content editor into the rails workflow and le...
177,342886tappersTiptap/Prosemirror JSON content parser
177,345885histogram-rbEasily convert an array of values into a histogram.
177,345885pokepasteParses PokéPastes into an object that you can easily read/manipulate/save.
177,345885omniauth-edlinkUnofficial OmniAuth strategy for Edlink SSO OAuth2 integration
177,345885hyrax-aclAccess Control List models and support for Hyrax
177,345885presigned_upload"Handle direct file uploads to cloud storage services via presigned URLs."
177,345885activestorage-memoryRails ActiveStorage in-memory service adopter.
177,351884croppableEasily crop images in Ruby on Rails with Cropper.js integration
177,351884spartan_apmSimple redis backed application performance monitoring tool.
177,351884hola_neilvbHello world
177,351884delayed_job_jsonMigrate handler of text column to json column for delayed_job
177,351884fastlane-plugin-universal_metadataUnify metadata files for iOS & Android
177,351884fluent-plugin-filter-dgi-parse-audit-logFluentd Filter Plugin to parse linux's audit log.
177,351884daru_liteDaru (Data Analysis in RUby) is a library for analysis, manipulation and visualization ...
177,351884foobara-type-generatorGenerates Foobara types
177,359883json_in_kdlAllows JSON to be encoded as KDL
177,359883google-cloud-network_services-v1google-cloud-network_services-v1 is the official client library for the Network Service...