Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177401-177420 of all 182,288 gems.
177,400875hn_api_rubyA simple hello world gem
177,400875aboongm_rulersA Rack-based MVC web framework
177,400875dcthashThis is a perceptual image hash calculation and comparison tool. This can be used to ma...
177,400875geisterMy first gem with bundler
177,400875less.buildComing soon
177,400875judoscale-shoryukenAutoscaling for Shoryuken workers.
177,407874fluent-plugin-google-cloud-logging-on-premFluentd plugins for the Google Cloud Logging API, which will make logs viewable in t...
177,407874metric_commonA gem that exists to support page_parser and because I couldn't make require work witho...
177,407874obserberosPrograma que tiene por objetivo respaldar valores historicos de cryptomonedas
177,407874tax_calculator_2022_newWrite a longer description or delete this line.
177,407874nobu_first_gemI haven't deceided yet, what is going to be. you will see this later better version of ...
177,407874design_huddleUnofficial Ruby gem for DesignHuddle API
177,407874artisticartistic is minimal and usable jekyll theme.
177,407874jkan_odpA gem that is based on the structure of Open Data Scotland, which in turn, is based on ...
177,407874coolinxA microblog static site generator for sharing links
177,407874rutictactoePlay Tic Tac Toe in your command line!
177,407874wazirx_officialAPI Wrapper for the Wazirx cryptocurrency exchange.
177,407874loose_erbsA tool to help find Loose ERBs in your app!
177,407874drymmDrymm maps entities from Dry::Logic & Dry::Types into structs for a serialization purpose.
177,407874polariscopeCalculate the health score of a Ruby application based on the state of its dependencies